Презентация, доклад на тему Открытый урок тема Виды книг7 класс Баранова К.М., Дули Д.

Most people/the majority (80%+)A lot of (60%-70%)Half of (50%)Twenty percent of(20%)A few (10%)Very few (5%)No one (0%)I prefer reading……

Слайд 1Types of books
Books are our best friends.
Choose an author as you

choose a friend.
Don't judge a book by its cover.
Types of booksBooks are our best friends.Choose an author as you choose a friend.Don't judge a book

Слайд 2Most people/the majority (80%+)
A lot of (60%-70%)
Half of (50%)
Twenty percent of(20%)

few (10%)
Very few (5%)
No one (0%)

I prefer reading……

Most people/the majority (80%+)A lot of (60%-70%)Half of (50%)Twenty percent of(20%)A few (10%)Very few (5%)No one (0%)I

Слайд 4 EX.2 answer these questions -What do you enjoy reading? -What’s your favourite

book? -What is it about? I enjoy reading….. My favourite book is….. It’s about……
EX.2 answer these questions  -What do you enjoy reading?  -What’s your favourite book?

Слайд 51.Stacey has just read a biography.
2.She really like the book.
3.She found

the ending a bit slow.
4.Others recommended this book to Brian.
5. He liked it from the beginning.
6.He has read lots of other similar books







True or False

1.Stacey has just read a biography.2.She really like the book.3.She found the ending a bit slow.4.Others recommended

Слайд 7Ex 5
Example: Anna often reads….(crime thrillers). She reads… (every day in

the afternoons) ……(on the bus, on her way home from school). The last book she read was….. (a crime thriller called Ice Core by Matt Whyman). It’s about…. (a teenage computer hacker).
Ex 5Example: Anna often reads….(crime thrillers). She reads… (every day in the afternoons) ……(on the bus, on

Слайд 8 Dialogue use ex.4 p.36

Dialogue use ex.4 p.36 Homework

Слайд 9“Except a living man, there is nothing more wonderful than a

book”. Charles Kingsley
“Except a living man, there is nothing more wonderful than a book”.  Charles Kingsley

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