Презентация, доклад на тему Методическая разработка к уроку английского языка 11 класс Глоболизация

Globalization is a process of integration of the states and the people in different spheres of activity. It started around the beginning of the 19th century.

Слайд 1Globalization


Слайд 2 Globalization is a process of integration of the states and

the people in different spheres of activity. It started around the beginning of the 19th century.
Globalization is a process of integration of the states and the people in different spheres of

Слайд 3We can consider Globalization from two parties.

We can consider Globalization from two parties.

Слайд 4Globalization


Слайд 5Globalization


Слайд 6Globalization


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