Презентация, доклад на тему Лингвокультурологический анализ слова любовь в английских и русских пословицах

Introduction The relevance of present research is in the detailed study of British and Russian proverbs with the help of efficient analytical methods. The object of this research

Слайд 1Department of Education and Science of Sevastopol center of education development Сity scientific

and practical conference “Youth in science and creativity” Linguoculturological comparative analysis of "love" in English and Russian proverbs

Author: Redchenko Ksenia Andreevna,
Schoolgirl 9-A classes school № 43
Head: Levina Anna Aleksandrovna,
English teacher school № 43

Department of Education and Science of Sevastopol center of education development Сity scientific and practical conference “Youth

Слайд 2 Introduction The relevance of present research

is in the detailed study of British and Russian proverbs with the help of efficient analytical methods. The object of this research paper is paramiology. The subject of research is British and Russian proverbs and sayings and their equivalents. The purpose of present research is to study English and Russian proverbs and sayings in the context of “love” theme; to find the similarities and differences.
Introduction  	The relevance of present research is in the detailed

Слайд 3 1. Studying, processing and the analysis of scientific sources relating research

problem; 2. The analysis of scientific literature, textbooks; 3. Method of choice, descriptive methods; 4. A method of comparative analysis of proverbs, a method of search, interviewing.

research methods

1. Studying, processing and the analysis of scientific sources relating research problem;  2. The analysis of

Слайд 4origins of a «proverb»:





Слайд 5WHAT IS IT?
A Proverb - a ​short ​sentence, usually ​known by

many ​people, ​stating something ​commonly ​experienced or giving ​advice
WHAT IS IT? A Proverb - a ​short ​sentence, usually ​known by many ​people, ​stating something ​commonly

LOVE — the feeling expressing the emotional attitude towards a person,

a friend or a member of a family

n. accord, affection, amity, courtship, delight, fondness, friendship, kindness, regard, tenderness, warmth; adoration, amour, attachment, passion; devotion, inclination, liking; benevolence, charity, goodwill.

CONCEPT LOVE — the feeling expressing the emotional attitude towards a person, a friend or a

British proverbs
Russian proverbs

RESEARCHWE USE3742British proverbsRussian proverbs

Uncontrolled feeling
Important feeling
Love and marriage
Love, money and

Love and children

Love and death
Love and God
Love and appearance
Love and farewell

SEMANTIC GROUPSUncontrolled feelingImportant feelingLove and marriageLove, money and sufferingLove and childrenLove and deathLove and

Слайд 10Comparative analysis of proverbs

Comparative analysis of proverbs

Слайд 11Love is a feeling that we cannot control

Love is a feeling that we cannot control

Слайд 14 conclusion
4 main sources of proverbs were defined

concept is a basic concept in both English and Russian cultures
The similar “love” characteristics for English and Russian cultures:
- A feeling which is difficult to control;
- Strong feeling;
- A feeling which is closely connected with marriage;
- A feeling which is related to material values.

conclusion4 main sources of proverbs were defined“Love” concept is a basic concept in

Слайд 15conclusion
Distinctive characteristics of “love” in the Russian culture:
-General views, interests –

a basis of strong love;
- The love means being tolerant to weaknesses of a partner;
- “Love” is connected with separation, suffering;
- Appearance is important for love;

Distinctive characteristics of “love” in the English culture:
- “Love” stimulates a person to change;
- “Love” is closely related to forgiveness;
- “Love” is also connected with jealousy;
- “Love” can't be sold or bought.

conclusionDistinctive characteristics of “love” in the Russian culture:-General views, interests – a basis of strong love; -

Слайд 16Thank you for your attention!!!

Thank you for your attention!!!

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