Презентация, доклад на тему Кроссворд по английскому языку Политическая система разных стран

112111098765432131.The ... represents the executive branch of power 2. ... represents the legislative branch of powerThe conflict between the countries, where you must survive or destroy the enemy4. It is a political regime where people elect

Слайд 1

Crossword “ Political Systems of Different Countries”

Предмет: английский язык
Класс: 10
Тема: Политическое устройство разных стран (раздел 2)
Учебник «Английский язык для 10-11 классов» ( Кузовлев В.П. и др.)
Подготовил ученик 10а класса МБОУ «Новоталицкая СШ»
Артемьев Виктор
Учитель Москаленко Г.В.

Слайд 21
1.The ... represents the executive branch of power
2. ... represents

the legislative branch of power
The conflict between the countries, where you must survive or destroy the enemy
4. It is a political regime where people elect their representatives to rule the country and the head of state guarantees the rights of citizens.
5. he President, Vice-President and the Cabinet are part of the ...
6. Who is the head of state and an integral part of parliament on her constitutional role?
7. A party or a group which opposes the ruling party
8. ... can pass laws over the president's veto with a two thirds majority.
9. Obama, Putin, Zhirinovsky, Merkel, Lukashenko are...
10. Translate into English the word «cовет»
11. The Head of the Russian Federation
12.The form of government in our country
13. Fear or hatred of anyone or anything that can become a reason of war in the principle of national, religious or social division of people.
112111098765432131.The ... represents the executive branch of power 2. ... represents the legislative branch of powerThe conflict

Слайд 3При подготовке кроссворда использовались материалы:

1. Учебник «Английский язык для 10-11 классов»

(авторы Кузовлев, В.П., Лапа Н.М., Перегудова Э.Ш.
2. Материалы сайтов: Википедия, alleng.ru
При подготовке кроссворда использовались материалы:1. Учебник «Английский язык для 10-11 классов» (авторы Кузовлев, В.П., Лапа Н.М., Перегудова

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