Презентация, доклад на тему Копилка презентаций. Helen Beatrix Potter. 8 класс

Helen Beatrix Potter was born on 6 July 1866 in London.

Слайд 1Helen Beatrix Potter
Wigandt Sophia 8«в»

Helen Beatrix Potter 1866-1953Wigandt Sophia 8«в»

Слайд 2Helen Beatrix Potter was born on 6 July 1866 in London.

Helen Beatrix Potter was born on 6 July 1866 in London.

Слайд 3
Beatrix was fond of two things. They were animals and drawing.

Beatrix was fond of two things. They were animals and drawing.

Слайд 4From a small child she did hundreds of drawings of plants

and animals.
From a small child she did hundreds of drawings of plants and animals.

Слайд 5One day she wrote to a little boy. The boy was

ill. She wanted to please him and humour him. In this letter she told the story of Peter Rabbit and illustrated it with lovely little drawings.
One day she wrote to a little boy. The boy was ill. She wanted to please him

Слайд 6Eight years later Beatrix Potter wrote her now famous children’s book

“The Tale of Peter Rabbit”. The book was very successful and she became a professional children’s writer.

Thanks for watching, goodbye!

Eight years later Beatrix Potter wrote her now famous children’s book “The Tale of Peter Rabbit”. The

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