Презентация, доклад на тему Kazakhstan is my MotherlandI want to tell you about my homeland. My homeland is Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan is an independent Republic. It is situated in the Central Asia. Its population, is 16 million. All people of Kazakhstan have equal rights and duties. A

The aims of the lesson; a)to develop speaking skills b)to enlarge pupils vocabulary c)to teach to express their own opinion The process of the lesson.

Слайд 1The theme of the lesson; "Kazakhstan is my Motherland"

The theme of the lesson;

Слайд 2The aims of the lesson; a)to develop speaking skills b)to enlarge pupils vocabulary c)to

teach to express their own opinion The process of the lesson.
The aims of the lesson; a)to develop speaking skills b)to enlarge pupils vocabulary c)to teach to express

Слайд 3The first group you will speak about;
Population and geographical places

of Kazakhstan.
The first group you will speak about; Population and geographical places of

Слайд 4The second group you will speak about;

Kazakhstan`s nature.
The second group you will speak about;         Kazakhstan`s nature.

Слайд 7Work with the text.

2)Finding and writing the types of mineral resources

the first group and the second group writing about Kazakhstan`s wildlife.
Work with the text.1)Reading.2)Finding and writing the types of mineral resources the first group and the second

Слайд 8
Mineral resoures

Mineral resoures

Слайд 9
Kazakhstan`s wildlife.

Kazakhstan`s wildlife.

Слайд 10Review.


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