Презентация, доклад на тему Каузативная форма в английском языке


Rewrite the sentences using the causative form, as in the example EXAMPLE: I think I can afford to ... (my house/paint). – I think I can afford to have my house painted. (Думаю, я могу себе позволить,

Olga Bobovich
Teacher of English
School № 46 with profound study of

English of Primorsky District,
St. Petersburg, Russia 2019

THE CAUSATIVEOlga BobovichTeacher of EnglishSchool № 46 with profound study of English of Primorsky District, St. Petersburg,

Слайд 2Rewrite the sentences using the causative form, as in the example

EXAMPLE: I think I can afford to ... (my house/paint). – I think I can afford to have my house painted. (Думаю, я могу себе позволить, чтобы мне покрасили дом.)

Fred ... (the meat/cut) into small pieces at the butcher’s now.

Rewrite the sentences using the causative form, as in the example EXAMPLE: I think I can afford

Слайд 3Self-control
Fred is having the meat cut (Сейчас в мясной лавке для

Фреда нарезают мясо.)

Self-controlFred is having the meat cut (Сейчас в мясной лавке для Фреда нарезают мясо.)

Слайд 4Rewrite the sentences using the causative form
You must ... (your

grey boots/repair).

Rewrite the sentences using the causative form You must ... (your grey boots/repair).

Слайд 5Self-control
You must have your grey boots repaired (Тебе нужно починить свои

серые ботинки.)

Self-controlYou must have your grey boots repaired (Тебе нужно починить свои серые ботинки.)

Слайд 6Rewrite the sentences using the causative form
I forgot to ...

(the oil level and tyres/check) in my car.

Rewrite the sentences using the causative form I forgot to ... (the oil level and tyres/check) in

Слайд 7Self-control
I forgot to have the oil level and tyres checked (Я

забыл проверить уровень масла и шины в машине.)

Self-controlI forgot to have the oil level and tyres checked (Я забыл проверить уровень масла и шины

Слайд 8Rewrite the sentences using the causative form
Bob ... (his new

watch/mend) almost every month.

Rewrite the sentences using the causative form Bob ... (his new watch/mend) almost every month.

Слайд 9Self-control
Bob has his new watch mended (Бобу ремонтируют его новые часы

почти каждый месяц.)

Self-controlBob has his new watch mended (Бобу ремонтируют его новые часы почти каждый месяц.)

Слайд 10Rewrite the sentences using the causative form
We are going to

... (our flat/decorate) next weekend.

Rewrite the sentences using the causative form We are going to ... (our flat/decorate) next weekend.

Слайд 11Self-control
We are going to have our flat decorated (Нам собираются отделывать

квартиру в следующие выходные.)

Self-controlWe are going to have our flat decorated (Нам собираются отделывать квартиру в следующие выходные.)

Слайд 12Rewrite the sentences using the causative form
Sheila ... (that lovely

dress/make) by Mrs. Stewart yesterday.

Rewrite the sentences using the causative form Sheila ... (that lovely dress/make) by Mrs. Stewart yesterday.

Слайд 13Self-control
Sheila had that lovely dress made (Миссис Стюарт сшила для Шейлы

то милое платье вчера.)

Self-controlSheila had that lovely dress made (Миссис Стюарт сшила для Шейлы то милое платье вчера.)

Слайд 14Rewrite the sentences using the causative form
They just ... (central

heating/install) in the house.

Rewrite the sentences using the causative form They just ... (central heating/install) in the house.

Слайд 15Self-control
They have just had central heating installed (Им только что установили

центральное отопление в доме.)

Self-controlThey have just had central heating installed (Им только что установили центральное отопление в доме.)

Слайд 16Rewrite the sentences using the causative form
You should go and

... (your photograph/take) for a new passport tomorrow.

Rewrite the sentences using the causative form You should go and ... (your photograph/take) for a new

Слайд 17Self-control
You should go and have your photograph taken (Тебе нужно сходить

сфотографироваться на новый паспорт завтра.)

Self-controlYou should go and have your photograph taken (Тебе нужно сходить сфотографироваться на новый паспорт завтра.)

Слайд 18Rewrite the sentences using the causative form
My daughter wants to

... (her ears/pierce).

Rewrite the sentences using the causative form My daughter wants to ... (her ears/pierce).

Слайд 19Self-control
My daughter wants to have her ears pierced (Моя дочь хочет,

чтобы ей прокололи уши.)

Self-controlMy daughter wants to have her ears pierced (Моя дочь хочет, чтобы ей прокололи уши.)

Слайд 20Rewrite the sentences using the causative form
My dad ... (his

tooth/pull out) two days ago.

Rewrite the sentences using the causative form My dad ... (his tooth/pull out) two days ago.

Слайд 21Self-control
My dad had his tooth pulled out (Моему папе удалили зуб

два дня назад.)

Self-controlMy dad had his tooth pulled out (Моему папе удалили зуб два дня назад.)

Слайд 22 Thank you for your attention!

Thank you for your attention!

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