Презентация, доклад на тему Интерактивная викторина Мы знаем Великобританию


The official language on the territory of Great Britain is...a. The English languageb. The Russian languagec. The Ireland languaged. The Iceland languageQuestion 1

We know Great Britain

INTERACTIVE QUIZWe know Great Britain

Слайд 2The official language on the territory of Great Britain is...

a. The

English language
b. The Russian language
c. The Ireland language
d. The Iceland language

Question 1

The official language on the territory of Great Britain is...a. The English languageb. The Russian languagec. The

Слайд 3The English language
Right answer

The English languageRight answer

Слайд 4What colour is not used on the official flag of Great


a. yellow
b. blue
c. white
d. red

Question 2

What colour is not used on the official flag of Great Britain?a. yellowb. bluec. whited. redQuestion 2

Слайд 5The yellow colour is not used
Right answer

The yellow colour is not usedRight answer

Слайд 6The capital of Great Britain is...

a. Manchester
b. Edinburgh
c. London
d. Cardiff

Question 3

The capital of Great Britain is...a. Manchesterb. Edinburghc. Londond. CardiffQuestion 3

Слайд 7London is the capital of Great Britain
Right answer

London is the capital of Great BritainRight answer

Слайд 8Who is the head of the government in Great Britain nowadays?

a. prime-minister
b. president
c. king/queen
d. chancellor

Question 4

Who is the head of the government in Great Britain nowadays? a. prime-ministerb. presidentc. king/queend. chancellorQuestion 4

Слайд 9The king or the queen is the head of the government

The king or the queen is the head of the governmentRight answer

Слайд 10What is the name of the Queen of Great Britain?

a. Elizabeth

c. Diana
d. Margaret

Question 5

What is the name of the Queen of Great Britain?a. Elizabethb. Martac. Dianad. MargaretQuestion 5

Слайд 11Queen Elizabeth II
Right answer

Queen Elizabeth IIRight answer

Слайд 12The official name of Great Britain is...

a. The British territory

c. English kingdom
d. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Question 6

The official name of Great Britain is...a. The British territory b. Britainc. English kingdomd. The United Kingdom

Слайд 13The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the UK)

is the official name of Great Britain

Right answer

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the UK) is the official name of Great

Слайд 14Which part doesn't Great Britain have?

a. England
b. Wales
c. Spain
d. Scotland

Question 7

Which part doesn't Great Britain have?a. Englandb. Walesc. Spaind. ScotlandQuestion 7

Слайд 15Spain is not the part of the UK. It’s a state,

which is located on the south of Europe.

Right answer

Spain is not the part of the UK. It’s a state, which is located on the south

Слайд 16In what city there is not any the world-known universities?

a. Oxford

c. Manchester
d. Cardiff

Question 8

In what city there is not any the world-known universities?a. Oxfordb. Cambridgec. Manchesterd. CardiffQuestion 8

Слайд 17In Cardiff there is not any world-known universities
Right answer

In Cardiff there is not any world-known universitiesRight answer

Слайд 18What part of Great Britain is called a Foggy Albion?

a. Northern

b. Scotland
c. England
d. Wales

Question 9

What part of Great Britain is called a Foggy Albion?a. Northern Irelandb. Scotlandc. Englandd. WalesQuestion 9

Слайд 19England is usually called the Foggy Albion
Right answer

England is usually called the Foggy AlbionRight answer

Слайд 20In what city did the famous gang called "The Beatles" appear?


b. London
c. Liverpool
d. Birmingham

Question 10

In what city did the famous gang called

Слайд 21Right answer

Right answer

Слайд 22Now the Tower is a museum. But for what purposes was

it used in the past?

a. It was a pub
b. It was a prison
c. It was a barber-shop
d. It was a forge

Question 11

Now the Tower is a museum. But for what purposes was it used in the past?a. It

Слайд 23The Tower was a prison
Right answer

The Tower was a prisonRight answer

Слайд 24When is Christmas celebrated?

a. On the 25th of December
b. On the

31th of December
c. On the 1st of January
d. On the 7th of January

Question 12

When is Christmas celebrated?a. On the 25th of Decemberb. On the 31th of Decemberc. On the 1st

Слайд 25It is celebrated on the 25th of December
Right answer

It is celebrated on the 25th of DecemberRight answer

Слайд 26What kind of birds is spread on the territory of the


a. pigeons
b. sparrows
c. hawks
d. ravens

Question 13

What kind of birds is spread on the territory of the Tower?a. pigeonsb. sparrowsc. hawks d. ravensQuestion

Слайд 27Ravens live on the territory of the modern Tower
Right answer

Ravens live on the territory of the modern TowerRight answer

Слайд 28Guess another name of the holiday called Halloween.

a. All Saints'

b. Creepy Day
c. Demon's Day
d. Headless Jack's Day

Question 14

Guess another name of the holiday called Halloween. a. All Saints' Dayb. Creepy Dayc. Demon's Dayd. Headless

Слайд 29Halloween also known as All Saints’ Day
Right answer

Halloween also known as All Saints’ DayRight answer

Слайд 30When is Halloween celebrated?

a. 31 сентября
b. 31 октября
c. 31 ноября
d. 31


Question 15

When is Halloween celebrated?a. 31 сентябряb. 31 октябряc. 31 ноябряd. 31 декабряQuestion 15

Слайд 31Right answer

Right answer

Слайд 32A national British hero, who robbed the rich people and gave

the loot to the poor people?

a. An angry Vincent
b. The king Arthur
c. Robin Hood
d. Richard the Lionheart

Question 16

A national British hero, who robbed the rich people and gave the loot to the poor people?a.

Слайд 33Robin Hood
Right answer

Robin HoodRight answer

Слайд 34What was Shakespeare's name?

a. Edward
b. Bill
c. Henry
d. William

Question 17

What was Shakespeare's name?a. Edwardb. Billc. Henryd. WilliamQuestion 17

Слайд 35William Shakespeare
Right answer

William Shakespeare Right answer

Слайд 36The most favourite flower in England?

a. cornflower
b. astra
c. rose
d. tulip

Question 18

The most favourite flower in England?a. cornflowerb. astrac. rosed. tulipQuestion 18

Слайд 37Rose is the most favourite flower in England
Right answer

Rose is the most favourite flower in EnglandRight answer

Слайд 38What is the Big Ben?

a. the bell
b. the tower
c. the dial

of the watch
d. the man

Question 19

What is the Big Ben?a. the bellb. the towerc. the dial of the watchd. the manQuestion 19

Слайд 39Big Ben is the bell
Right answer

Big Ben is the bellRight answer

Слайд 40What kind of sport appeared in Great Britain in the 18th


a. volleyball
b. football
c. basketball
d. badminton

Question 20

What kind of sport appeared in Great Britain in the 18th century?a. volleyball b. footballc. basketballd. badmintonQuestion

Слайд 41Right answer

Right answer

Слайд 42The most favourite junk food in Great Britain?

a. hamburger
b. pizza
c. fish-n-chips


Question 21

The most favourite junk food in Great Britain?a. hamburgerb. pizzac. fish-n-chipsd. rollsQuestion 21

Слайд 43Fish-n-chips is the most popular dish in Great Britain
Right answer

Fish-n-chips is the most popular dish in Great BritainRight answer

Слайд 44The most famous drink among British people?

a. juice
b. coffee

d. milk

Question 22

The most famous drink among British people? a. juice b. coffeec. tead. milkQuestion 22

Слайд 45Right answer

Right answer

Слайд 46Loch Ness monster's name is...

a. Betty
b. Nessie
c. Betsy
d. Neffie

Question 23

Loch Ness monster's name is... a. Bettyb. Nessiec. Betsyd. NeffieQuestion 23

Слайд 47Right answer

Right answer

Слайд 48Which river provides London water?

a. The Severn river
b. The Rein river

The Don river
d. The Thames river

Question 24

Which river provides London water?a. The Severn riverb. The Rein riverc. The Don riverd. The Thames riverQuestion

Слайд 49Right answer

Right answer



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