Презентация, доклад на тему Индивидуальный итоговый проект по английскому языку News and scandals connected with inscriptions on clothes

Introduction The idea of studying sociolinguistic problems using English inscriptions has appeared because of personal experience, communication with peers, observations in the streets and at my school.However, do the owners understand the meaning of inscriptions on their clothes,

Слайд 1News and scandals connected with inscriptions on clothes
Natalia Rabotkina  9th form A

English teacher
Irina Filina

News and scandals connected with inscriptions on clothesNatalia Rabotkina  9th form AScientific supervisor:English teacherIrina Filina 

Слайд 2Introduction 
The idea of studying sociolinguistic problems using English inscriptions has appeared because

of personal experience, communication with peers, observations in the streets and at my school.
However, do the owners understand the meaning of inscriptions on their clothes, especially if they are written in a foreign language, mostly in English? Or do they wear clothes because they are fashionable, beautiful, or for any other reason?
Our research has an aim to find answers for these questions.


Introduction The idea of studying sociolinguistic problems using English inscriptions has appeared because of personal experience, communication with peers,

Слайд 3The tasks of the study are:
1) to collect some inscriptions on clothes;
2) to

translate the inscriptions into Russian;
3) to identify the age of students and the main reasons of buying clothes with inscriptions ;
4) to summarize the data.
The tasks of the study are:1) to collect some inscriptions on clothes;2) to translate the inscriptions into Russian;3) to

Слайд 4History of inscriptions
Inscriptions on clothes appeared many centuries ago. The earliest ones

came to us from ancient Greece. Inscriptions which were a part of the ornament were in fashion. For example, at the beginning of the second millennium Gothic prints were used in embroidery.
At first inscriptions decorated only workers’ uniforms, pointing to their status in the workplace, then they began to show a designer or a company of this thing, and after that inscriptions with sense began to appear. Nobody knows who invented the first inscription on clothes. 
History of inscriptionsInscriptions on clothes appeared many centuries ago. The earliest ones came to us from ancient Greece. Inscriptions

Слайд 6Methodology of the study
We have made our study by the next


1. We have found at our school students, dressed in T-shirts, sweaters, caps, with English inscriptions

2. We have photographed the most interesting inscriptions and asked some questions:

- How old are you?
- Do you know the sense of the inscription on your clothes or not?

3. We have translated the inscriptions into Russian and entered the data into the table

Methodology of the studyWe have made our study by the next way:1. We have found at our

Слайд 7The results of the students’ survey
We have fixed the answers

of 19 students, which can be reflected in the following table:
The results of the students’ survey. We have fixed the answers of 19 students, which can be

Слайд 8Analysis of the collected material
According to our research, the majority

of students have clothes containing inscriptions.  There are at least seven things with English inscriptions in every young person’s wardrobe.
The study also has shown that the older the students are, the more attention they pay to the meaning of the inscriptions. The younger students don’t often know what is written on their clothes. However, our study made some students think before buying a fashionable thing with an unknown inscription .

Analysis of the collected material According to our research, the majority of students have clothes containing inscriptions. 

Слайд 9To sum up

To sum up

Слайд 10

Why do they buy them?

Why do they buy them?

Слайд 11Conclusion
Undoubtedly, each person has a right to wear what he or

she likes. However, it seems abnormal that the majority of people who prefer inscriptions on the clothes, do not know the meaning of the words they have on clothes.
ConclusionUndoubtedly, each person has a right to wear what he or she likes. However, it seems abnormal that

Слайд 12It is important to be responsible for the information that we

have on our clothes, we become the carrier of it to the masses, and it is stupid to expect that others do not know a foreign language and do not understand what is written on your clothes.
It is important to be responsible for the information that we have on our clothes, we become

Слайд 13Thank you!

Thank you!

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