Презентация, доклад на тему How to tackle our problems? Как справиться с проблемами? 7 класс

Complete the sentences.It is difficult It’s importantIt is not easyIt’s stupidIt’s boringIt’s excitingTo choose the subject to studyTo smoke only because you want to like your friendsTo stop smoking if you have startedTo write article for

Слайд 1 Открытый урок в 7 классе «How to tackle our problems?» « Как справиться

с проблемами?»

Нафикова Анна Валерьевна
МБОУ «Средняя общеобразовательная школа №6 им. А.С.Пушкина» г.Калуги

Открытый урок в 7 классе «How to tackle our problems?» « Как справиться с проблемами?»Нафикова Анна

Слайд 2Complete the sentences.
It is difficult
It’s important
It is not easy
It’s stupid

It’s exciting

To choose the subject to study
To smoke only because you want to like your friends
To stop smoking if you have started
To write article for a magazine for teenagers
To explain your problems to your parents
To study the subject that you don’t like
To have somebody you can discuss your problems with
To take part in different competitions

Complete the sentences.It is difficult It’s importantIt is not easyIt’s stupidIt’s boringIt’s excitingTo choose the subject to

Слайд 3 What would you do if…?
1. If my friend told me

to try smoking…
2. If I wanted to have more pocket money…
3. If I had bad marks at school…
4. If my parents didn’t understand me…
5. If I were too shy…
6. If I didn’t like some boring subjects…
7. If I hadn’t got any friends…

A. I would learn some subjects better.
B. I would refuse. I think it is stupid to smoke only because you want to be alike your friends.
C. I would begin to change. I would try to be more sociable
D. I would try to find a job as soon as possible.
E. I would work at my character. I would offer my help to someone who needs my help. I think we would become friends.
F. I would try to find something interesting, something unusual in these subjects.
G. I would ask some of my teachers to speak to my parents.

What would you do if…? 1. If my friend told me to try smoking… 2. If

Слайд 4Our motto:
«We can tackle any problems when we are together».

Our motto: «We can tackle any problems when we are together».

Слайд 5Клише к теме: I think/I consider… The most important for me is the

problem… I suggest to… We can decide this problem if/when… If П V(s)…, П will V… (П - подлежащее) If П were…, П would V… (V - глагол) I believe that…/ I’m sure… I hope…/ I would like… I worry/ I trouble… We can discuss/communicate/analyze/help… The best decision is…
Клише к теме: I think/I consider… The most important for me is the problem… I suggest to…

Слайд 6Is it bad or good???????
In our life we have a lot

of problem…
Is it bad or good???????In our life we have a lot of problem…

Слайд 7When we try to decide the problem we get experience…
And next

problem will be easier for us…
When we try to decide the problem we get experience…And next problem will be easier for us…

Слайд 8Let’s help each other and our life will be wonderful!

Let’s help each other and  our life will be wonderful!

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