Презентация, доклад на тему Going Green 11 класс

The fish in the sea are dying From the pollution we create We’ve got to stop polluting Before it’s too late. Our planet is in trouble

Слайд 1Презентация для урока в 11 классе по УМК «Spotlight», Модуль 3 автор: Шустур

Анна Ивановна, учитель МОУ «СШ №1» г. Макеевка
Презентация для урока в 11 классе по УМК «Spotlight», Модуль 3     автор: Шустур

Слайд 2 The fish in the sea are dying From the

pollution we create We’ve got to stop polluting Before it’s too late.
Our planet is in trouble It gets worse every day We have to help our planet In every possible way.
In the woods and forests They’re cutting down the trees We’ve got to save the forests Everyone agrees.
The hole in the ozone layer Is getting bigger every day We’ve got to stop air pollution We have to find a way.
The fish in the sea are dying From the pollution we create We’ve got

Слайд 3Ecological Problems

Ecological Problems

Слайд 4Remember
ancient times
in harmony with environment
man’s interference
smoky industrial enterprises
to pollute the


harmful substances

to upset the oxygen balance

Remember ancient timesin harmony with environmentman’s interferencesmoky industrial enterprisesto pollute the atmosphereharmful substances to upset the oxygen

Слайд 5ecological disaster befall

atomic power station
environmental protection
ecological security
to preserve the environment
for the

sake of
ecological disaster befallconsequencesexplosionatomic power stationenvironmental protectionecological securityto preserve the environmentonwardfor the sake of

Слайд 6Since ancient times Nature has served Man , being the source

of his life. For thousands of years people lived in harmony with environment. But with the development of civilization man’s interference in nature began to increase.
Since ancient times Nature has served Man , being the source of his life. For thousands of

Слайд 7Large cities with thousands of
smoky industrial enterprises
appear all over the world


Large cities with thousands ofsmoky industrial enterprisesappear all over the world today.

Слайд 8Every year world industry pollute the atmosphere with about 1000 millions

tons of dust and other harmful substances.
Every year world industry pollute the atmosphere with about 1000 millions tons of dust and other harmful

Слайд 9Many cities suffer
from smog.
Gases cause acid
rains that lead

to the damage of nature
Many cities suffer from smog. Gases cause acid rains that lead to the damage of nature

Слайд 10Vast forests are cut and burn in fire. Their disappearance upsets

the oxygen balance.

As a result some rare species of animals, birds, fish and plants disappear forever, a number of
rivers and lakes dry up.

Vast forests are cut and burn in fire. Their disappearance upsets the oxygen balance.As a result some

Слайд 11
The pollution of air and the world’s ocean, the destruction of

the ozone layer is the result of man’s careless interaction with nature, a sign of the ecological crisis.
The pollution of air and the world’s ocean, the destruction of the ozone layer is the result

Слайд 12

1.People try to live in … with nature.
2.Chemical … developed the

economy of our region.
3. Factories and plants … the air with harmful substances.
4. In … times a man was closely connected with things
which surrounded and influenced him.
5. Your … didn’t help us, the situation became worse.
6. Human activities can make the … unhealthy.
7. Some factories produce … that run into rivers.
8. Millions of people live in areas in which the … is not safe to breathe.
9. Many … study the environment looking for ways to stop the problem.
10. Scientists have helped to find ways to … air and water pollution.

Fill in: pollute, harmony, scientists, interference, enterprises, ancient, reduce, environment, liquid wastes, air.

1.People try to live in … with nature.2.Chemical … developed the economy of our region.3. Factories and

Слайд 13Check yourself
1.People try to live in harmony with nature.
2.Chemical enterprises developed

the economy of our region.
3. Factories and plants pollute the air with harmful substances.
4. In ancient times a man was closely connected with things
which surrounded and influenced him.
5. Your interference didn’t help us, the situation became worse.
6. Human activities can make the environment unhealthy.
7. Some factories produce liquid wastes that run into rivers.
8. Millions of people live in areas in which the air is not safe to breathe.
9. Many scientists study the environment looking for ways to stop the problem.
10. Scientists have helped to find ways to reduce air and water pollution.

Check yourself 1.People try to live in harmony with nature.2.Chemical enterprises developed the economy of our region.3.

Слайд 14Add suffixes to the words to form nouns and adjectives:
- ion,

-tion, -al, -ical, -ful, -less, -ment, -ness.

to environ
to develop
to destruct
to pollute
to act


to equip
to achieve

Add suffixes to the words to form nouns and adjectives:- ion, -tion, -al, -ical, -ful, -less, -ment,

Слайд 15Check yourself
to environ – environment
to develop – development
to destruct – destruction

pollute – pollution
to act – action

care – careless, careful, carelessness
harm – harmful, harmless
ecology – ecological
industry – industrial
culture - cultural

wonder – wonderful
success – successful
nation - national
to equip – equipment
to achieve - achievement

Check yourselfto environ – environmentto develop – developmentto destruct – destructionto pollute – pollutionto act – actioncare

Слайд 16The most horrible disaster
befell Belarus and its people after the

Chernobyl tragedy
in April 1986.

The consequences of this explosion at the atomic power station are tragic
for the Belorussian nation.

The most horrible disaster befell Belarus and its people after the Chernobyl tragedyin April 1986. The consequences

Слайд 17Environmental protection is of a universal concern. That’s why serious measures

to create a system of ecological security should be taken. Some progress has been already made in this direction.
Environmental protection is of a universal concern. That’s why serious measures to create a system of ecological

Слайд 18As many as 159 countries have set up environmental protection agencies.

A number of
conferences have been held by these agencies
to discuss problems facing ecologically poor regions.
As many as 159 countries have set up environmental protection agencies. A number of conferences have been

Слайд 19The international organization Greenpeace
is also doing much to preserve the environment.

aim is to protect nature and save life on the planet not only for the sake of the present but also for the future generations.

The international organization Greenpeaceis also doing much to preserve the environment.Its aim is to protect nature and

Слайд 20What should and shouldn’t we do to protect our environment?

What should and shouldn’t we do  to protect our environment?

Слайд 21Do Ex.2-3, p.59

forget to use:
I think … Perhaps …
I consider … In a situation like this …
I suggest … It’s a good idea to …
To my mind … What do you think about … ?
In my opinion … I don’t agree …
I believe that … I think we should …

Are you a green citizen?

Do Ex.2-3, p.59        Don’t forget to use:I think …

Слайд 22 The Code of Ecological Rules

Don’t pollute air, land and

Use public transport.
Take part in local environmental projects.
Save energy.
Grow trees and flowers.
Reuse, reduce, recycle
The Code of Ecological Rules Don’t pollute air, land and water.Use public transport.Take part in local

Слайд 23Homework:

1. Learn the words and expressions
2. Illustrate the Code of Ecological

3. Get ready to speak about the latest disasters in our country and in the world.
Homework:1. Learn the words and expressions2. Illustrate the Code of Ecological Rules3. Get ready to speak about

Слайд 24Литература:
Учебник “Spotlight”, авторы: О.В.Афанасьева, Д.Дули, И.В.Михеева, Б.Оби, В.Эванс, Москва, Express Publishing,

«Просвещение», 2009
«Справочные материалы по английскому языку для подготовки к экзаменам», автор: В.А.Миловидов, Москва, АСТ-Астрель, 2004
Ресурсы Интернета: www.1september.ruРесурсы Интернета: www.1september.ru, http://www.yandex.ru/Ресурсы Интернета: www.1september.ru, http://www.yandex.ru/, http://katalog.iot.ru/,
Литература:Учебник “Spotlight”, авторы: О.В.Афанасьева, Д.Дули, И.В.Михеева, Б.Оби, В.Эванс, Москва, Express Publishing, «Просвещение», 2009«Справочные материалы по английскому языку

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