Презентация, доклад на тему Engaging with motivation in the classroom

Curriculum mapsTeaching calendarsPractice, practice…Moderns standardsClassroom strategiesProfessional development

Слайд 1Engaging with motivation in the classroom

Engaging with motivation  in the classroom

Слайд 2Curriculum maps
Teaching calendars
Practice, practice…
Moderns standards
Classroom strategies
Professional development

Curriculum mapsTeaching calendarsPractice, practice…Moderns standardsClassroom strategiesProfessional development

Слайд 4Unmotivated pupils

Unmotivated pupils

Слайд 5Students motivation is necessary for success in learning.

Students motivation is necessary for success in learning.

Слайд 6The aim of the session: to enable the teachers to create

a motivational classroom environment
The aim of the session:  to enable the teachers to create a motivational classroom environment

Слайд 7By the end of the session you will be able to:

the qualities of a motivational teacher;
identify what learners need from teachers and classes in order to be motivated;
define how to create a motivational classroom environment;
identify classrooms strategies to improve motivation in the classroom;
evaluate the effectiveness of rewards and punishments in the classroom;
By the end of the session you will be able to:recognize the qualities of a motivational teacher;identify

Слайд 13Learners need teachers who…

Learners need teachers who…

Слайд 14Learners need classes which…

Learners need classes which…

Слайд 17Do you give rewards or/and punishments?
Give examples of rewards or punishments

used in the class
Do you give rewards or/and punishments?Give examples of rewards or punishments used in the class

Слайд 18What skills teachers need to motivate pupils for better learning. What knowledge

teachers need to teach pupils the English language.
What skills teachers need to motivate pupils for better learning. What knowledge teachers need to teach pupils

Слайд 20By the end of this session we: * identified what learners need

from teachers and classes in order to be motivated; * evaluated how to create a motivational classroom environment; * recognized the qualities of a motivational teacher; * identified classrooms strategies to improve motivation in the classroom; * evaluated the effectiveness of rewards and punishments in the classroom;
By the end of this session we:  * identified what learners need from teachers and classes

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