Презентация, доклад на тему Детский проект презентация: Avicenna, 10 класс

Abu Ali Hussain ibn Abdullah ibn al-Hasan ibn Ali ibn Sina, known in the west as Avicenna(980-1037)

Слайд 1«Idleness not only give rise to ignorance, it is at the

same time the cause of the disease»

Avicenna (Ibn Sina)

«Idleness not only give rise to ignorance, it is at the same time the cause of the

Слайд 2Abu Ali Hussain ibn Abdullah ibn al-Hasan ibn Ali ibn Sina,

known in the west as Avicenna
Abu Ali Hussain ibn Abdullah ibn al-Hasan ibn Ali ibn Sina, known in the west as Avicenna(980-1037)

Слайд 3Biography


Слайд 4Book of Healing
Written in Arabic encyclopedic work "The Book

of Healing" is devoted to logic, physics, biology, psychology, geometry, arithmetic, music, astronomy, and metaphysics. "Knowledge Book" is also an encyclopedia.


Book of Healing  Written in Arabic encyclopedic work

Слайд 5Transactionses in medicine:
"The Canon of Medical Science"
"Removing harm from various manipulations

through corrections and warnings of mistakes"
"On the benefits and harms of wine"
"Poem about medicine".
"Treatise on the pulse".
"Activities for travelers".
"Treatise on sexual power"
"Treatise on vinegar”
"Treatise on chicory".
"Blood vessels for bloodletting".
"Risola-yi Zhudiya"
Transactionses in medicine:

Слайд 6Areas that Avicenna studied

Areas that Avicenna studiedChemistryMechanicsPhilosophyPsychologyLiterature Music

Слайд 7Memory


Слайд 8Thanks for your attention!

Thanks for your attention!

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