Презентация, доклад на тему Causative have/get

Causative have/getWe use the structure have/get + object + past participle to talk about things that we arrange or pay for but don’t actually do ourselves. Have is slightly more formal than get.

Слайд 1The Causative: have something done

The Causative: have something done

Слайд 2Causative have/get
We use the structure have/get + object + past participle

to talk about things that we arrange or pay for but don’t actually do ourselves. Have is slightly more formal than get.
Causative have/getWe use the structure have/get + object + past participle to talk about things that we

Слайд 3We can mention that the agent (the person who did the

action) after by.
She had her dress made by a top designer.

We can mention that the agent (the person who did the action) after by. She had her

Слайд 4Если вы ходите в парикмахерскую, используется конструкция have something done. На

английском это будет звучать так: I have my hair cut every month. – Я стригусь каждый месяц.
Если вы ходите в парикмахерскую, используется конструкция have something done. На английском это будет звучать так: I

Слайд 5I check my eyes once a year. (Я проверяю сам, у

меня есть оборудование, я знаю, как это делать.)
I have my eyes checked once a year. (Я хожу к врачу-окулисту, который проверят мое зрение.)
He repairs his car at this car service station. (Он ремонтирует машину своими руками)
He has his car repaired at this car service station. (Машину ремонтируют автомеханики.)

I check my eyes once a year. (Я проверяю сам, у меня есть оборудование, я знаю, как

Слайд 6The Causative обычно используется с такими глаголами как 
build, clean, decorate, deliver,

mend, copy, print, repair, service, test, cut, check и другими, подразумевающими, что действие выполняет кто-то другой, а не сам говорящий
The Causative обычно используется с такими глаголами как build, clean, decorate, deliver, mend, copy, print, repair, service, test,

Слайд 7Tip
We use a reflexive pronoun (e.g. myself, herself, ourselves) to emphasize

that we didn’t arrange or pay for somebody else to do something.
I want to get my trousers shortened, but it was too expensive, so I did it myself.
Tip We use a reflexive pronoun (e.g. myself, herself, ourselves) to emphasize that we didn’t arrange or

Слайд 9She cut her hair. (Она не стригла свои волосы сама.) –

She had her hair cut (Она подстриглась.)
Tim cleaned the windows.
Mary usually delivers the food to her house.
Fred has washed his car himself.
My husband is testing his eye-sight himself.
I will check my blood pressure myself.
Jane serviced her car herself.
They will mend the roof of the house themselves.
She is making the curtains herself.
I removed this coffee stain from the suit myself.
We do X-ray our chests ourselves.

She cut her hair. (Она не стригла свои волосы сама.) – She had her hair cut (Она

Слайд 10Make sentences using the causative form ( have something done)

Kate …………….(her wallet /steal) from her bag while she was out shopping. 2) Peter ……………….(his flat/ burgle) while he was out at work.
3) Mr and Mrs Woods ………………. (the roof of their house/ damage) in a storm.
4) Lena …………………(the radio / steal) from her car.
5) My brother ……………………. (his nose/ break) in a football match.
6) Ken ………………………(his car / service) yesterday.
7) We …………………….( our roof/ repair) at the moment.
8) I …………………(a stereo/ fit) in my car.
9) Sue ………………..( her flat/ clean) once a week

Make sentences using the causative form ( have something done) 1) Kate …………….(her wallet /steal) from her

Слайд 11 She didn’t cut her hair herself. (Она не стригла свои волосы

сама.) – She had her hair cut. (Она подстриглась.)
Tim didn’t clean the windows himself. (Тим не мыл окна сам.)
Mary doesn’t usually deliver the food to her house herself. (Обычно Мэри не приносит продукты домой сама.)
Fred hasn’t washed his car himself. (Фред не мыл машину сам.)
My husband isn’t testing his eye-sight himself. (Мой муж не проверяет свое зрение сам.)
I won’t check my blood pressure myself. (Я не буду сам измерять свое кровяное давление.)

 She didn’t cut her hair herself. (Она не стригла свои волосы сама.) – She had her hair cut. (Она

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