Презентация, доклад на тему Animals are in danger

«Animals are in danger»

Слайд 1

Слайд 2

«Animals are in danger»


Слайд 3New vocabulary
Hunt [ hʌnt ] v- аң аулау
Hunter [ hʌntә ]n-

Ivory tusk [`aivәri tʌsk ] n- пілдің тісі
Appear [ә`piә] v- пайда болу, көзге көріну
Disappear [disә`piә] v- жоғалу
Enough [i` nʌf] adj- жеткілікті
Species [`spi:Si:z] n- түр
Threaten [`Өretn] v- қауіп төндіру

New vocabularyHunt [ hʌnt ] v- аң аулауHunter [ hʌntә ]n- аңшыIvory tusk [`aivәri tʌsk ] n-

Слайд 4Vocabulary work
Matching the Kazakh with the English
a) пілдің тісі

1. Hunt
b) Түр 2. Hunter
c) Жоғалу 3. Hunter
d) қауіп төндіру 4. Appear
e) жеткілікті 5. Disappear
f) Аңшы 6. Enough
g) пайда болу, көзге көріну 7. Species
h) пайда болу, көзге көріну 8. Threaten

Vocabulary workMatching the Kazakh with the Englisha) пілдің тісі

Слайд 5Checking up!
a) -3

0-1 mistakes = “Excellent”
b) -7 2–3 mistakes = “Good job”
c) -5 4-5 mistakes = “Satisfactory”
d) -8 6-7 mistakes = “Bad”
e) -6
f) -2
g) -4
h) -1

Checking up!a) -3         0-1 mistakes = “Excellent”b) -7

Слайд 6Having fun!

Having fun!

Слайд 8Rhinos

Thirty years ago there were 100 000 rhinos in Africa.Today there

are probably less than 4 000. In Kenya, Zambia rhino horn is a fortune.

RhinosThirty years ago there were 100 000 rhinos in Africa.Today there are probably less than 4 000.

Слайд 9 Endangered

animals Tiger

The Siberian tiger is also known as the Amur tiger. It is written in the Red book. There were about 450 tigers in 1996. The Siberian tiger population had increased to 540 individuals in the Russian Far East by 2015. The Siberian tiger is one of the biggest animals. Its length is about 2metres. Its mass is about 350 kg. It runs fast. The Siberian tiger rarely becomes a man-eater.

Endangered  animals

Слайд 10Group Work
1. group “Wolf” – “Protecting animals” (make a dialogue)
2. group

“Squirrel” – “Endangered animals of Kazakhstan” ( make a collage)
3. group “Eagle” – “Animals are in Danger” (make a memory map)
Group Work1. group “Wolf” – “Protecting animals” (make a dialogue)2. group “Squirrel” – “Endangered animals of Kazakhstan”

Слайд 11Assessment
1. group “Squirrel”- group “Wolf” – “Fireworks”
2. group “Eagle”- group “Squirrel”–

“2 stars and 1 wish”
3. group “Wolf” - group “Eagle”- criteria based assessment

Assessment1. group “Squirrel”- group “Wolf” – “Fireworks”2. group “Eagle”- group “Squirrel”– “2 stars and 1 wish”3. group

Слайд 12Criteria based Assessment
25-19 points = “5” 18-11 points =

“4” 10- 5 points =”3” 5-0 points = “2”
Criteria based Assessment25-19 points = “5”   18-11 points = “4”   10- 5 points

Слайд 13“Open microphone”-pair work
Groups ask each other the questions by the theme

“Open microphone”-pair workGroups ask each other the questions by the theme

Слайд 14Giving home task
Ex. 8 p.57
Make adjectives from the following nouns

Giving home taskEx. 8 p.57 Make adjectives from the following nouns

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