Презентация, доклад на тему туризм

Tourismmeeting the needs for self-actualization.knowledge of the new culture.knowledge of the new languagebroadening your horizons.the formation of ideals and lifestyle.

Слайд 1Tourism
performer:Makshansev Daniil
teacher: Vasilyeva Aliya Fanilievna

Tourismperformer:Makshansev Daniilteacher: Vasilyeva Aliya Fanilievna

Слайд 3Tourism
meeting the needs for self-actualization.
knowledge of the new culture.
knowledge of the

new language

broadening your horizons.

the formation of ideals and lifestyle.

Tourismmeeting the needs for self-actualization.knowledge of the new culture.knowledge of the new languagebroadening your horizons.the formation of

Слайд 7Tourism
the union of cultures.
relocation of languages.

Tourismthe union of cultures. relocation of languages.



Слайд 9Thanks for attention

Thanks for attention

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