Презентация, доклад на тему Үш тілділік ағылшын тілінде

Creating psychological climate.«Five fingers»

Слайд 1

Алматы облысы
Жамбыл ауданы
Б.Қыдырбекұлы атындағы
орта мектебі

Алматы облысы Жамбыл ауданыБ.Қыдырбекұлы атындағы орта мектебі

Слайд 2Creating psychological climate.
«Five fingers»

Creating psychological climate.«Five fingers»

Слайд 3

Division into group

Division into group«Word» «Notepad»

Слайд 4

Home work
Graphic test
1. How many algorithms are there?

А ) 3 B) 5 C) 2 D) 4
2. The word from which language was dialed ?
А) The kazakh B) russian C) latin D) parsi
3) Give n example of algorithm subscription types?
А) natural B) dictionsry C) russian D) latin
4. How many types of computer devices are there
А) 2 B) 4 C) 5 D) 3
5. Give an example of a mathematicaled model
А) graphiced B) dictionsry C) materialed D) mathematicaled
6 . Several algorithm types are repeated
А) cyclically B) branched C) linear D)recurrence
Home workGraphic test1. How many algorithms are there?    А ) 3  B)

Слайд 5Answer


Слайд 6New lesson


Слайд 7


General understanding about text processor.
Creating and storing a document
Subject General understanding about text

Слайд 8

Purpose of the lesson
Text processor, create a document Creating and

storing a document
acquainance with the rules.
Purpose of the lesson Text processor, create a document Creating and storing a document acquainance with the

Слайд 9
2 group
Write algorithm «How put picture into the text processor»

1 group

algorithm «How put WordArt into the text processor»

Group work

2 groupWrite algorithm «How put picture into the text processor»1 groupWrite algorithm «How put WordArt into the

Слайд 10


Practical work

Слайд 11

Understand me

Understand me SUMMING UP

Слайд 12

«Blob tree»

Feedback«Blob tree»

Слайд 13Assesment


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