Презентация, доклад на тему Презинтация ағылшын тілінде Loops (8 класс)

Discuss the following picture.

Слайд 1Loops.


Слайд 2
Discuss the following picture.

Discuss the following picture.

Слайд 3What is

What is a ‘Loop’?

Слайд 4A loop is an order of instructions that
repeats for many


Each repetition is called an iteration of the loop.

A loop is an order of instructions that repeats for many times. Each repetition is called an

Слайд 5Terminology


Слайд 7iteration


Слайд 8divisible


Слайд 9ascending


Слайд 10counter


Слайд 15Coding for loops: Activity

Coding for loops: Activity

Слайд 16Types of Loops
For loop
Repeats a statement or group of statements until

a given condition in use. It tests the condition BEFORE executing the body.

Execute the sequence of statements multiple times.

Like a while statement, except that it tests the condition at the END of the loop body.

Types of LoopsFor loopWhiledo...whileRepeats a statement or group of statements until a given condition in use. It

Слайд 17Parts of a loop
Initialization Expression initializes the loop variables in the

beginning of the loop.
Test Expression decides whether the loop will be executed (if test expression is true) or not (if test expression is false).
Update Expression updates the values of loop variables after every iteration of the loop.
The-Body-of-the-Loop contains statements to be executed repeatedly.
Parts of a loopInitialization Expression initializes the loop variables in the beginning of the loop.Test Expression decides

Слайд 18The syntax:


for value in sequence:

body of for
The syntax:C++Pythonfor value in sequence:       body of for

Слайд 26
Mark Zuckerberg teaches Loops

Mark Zuckerberg teaches Loops

Слайд 27
Any questions?

Thanks!Any questions?

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