Презентация, доклад Methods of studying the section Social Informatics in the school

Due to the computerization of society there is a question about the place of the individual in the ambient information society, its culture and information security, so the relevance of studying the section "Social Science" is

Слайд 1

Made by: Milovanova Tatiana Alexandrovna
The first-year magistracy student.

Krestyaninova O. M.


Южный Федеральный Университет
Институт механики, математики и компьютерных наук им. И. И. Воровича

Methods of studying the section
Social Informatics in the school

Made by: Milovanova Tatiana AlexandrovnaThe first-year magistracy student.Science advirserKrestyaninova O. M.Ростов-на-Дону2014Южный Федеральный УниверситетИнститут

Слайд 2 Due to the computerization of society there is a question about

the place of the individual in the ambient information society, its culture and information security, so the relevance of studying the section "Social Science" is due to the need to: formation of ICT competence in terms of familiarization with the legal framework of life of the individual in the information environment; Information Culture as part of the general culture of the individual; forming the foundations of information world view of students; development of ethical and legal standards of the information society and the individual as a social order; increasing the motivation of the study of computer science.
Due to the computerization of society there is a question about the place of the individual in

Слайд 3Social Informatics
Information Culture
Information security and other issues close to the data

development in the information society

Patterns and problems of the information society

Information resources as a socio-economic and cultural development of society

Main research "Social Informatics"

Social InformaticsInformation CultureInformation security and other issues close to the dataPersonality development in the information societyPatterns and

Слайд 4
Problem: Lack of teaching materials, ensuring the most effective assimilation of

the students practice-oriented knowledge

Solution: Use a teacher activity approach and active forms of learning
Problem: Lack of teaching materials, ensuring the most effective assimilation of the students practice-oriented knowledgeSolution: Use a

Слайд 5Purpose:

education: the formation of ideas about the process of informatization of

society and its impact on society and the individual;

develop: laying the foundations of the scientific worldview, information picture of the world;

educational: the formation of information culture, ethical and legal standards of human activities in the information environment.
Purpose:education: the formation of ideas about the process of informatization of society and its impact on society

Слайд 6Web-quest - research - oriented activities, in which all information used

by a student, is extracted from the Internet;
Electronic Business Theatre - man-machine environment support of organizational and mental activity on methodological gaming scenarios in the studio for a special electronic solutions semistructured problem situations;
Project implementation;
Web-quest - research - oriented activities, in which all information used by a student, is extracted from

Слайд 7
Web-quest Technology

Web-quest Technology

Слайд 8"Roles:
Sasha - the protagonist
Troy_220 - his friend

- the remaining students
Stsenary: Today was a very ordinary evening of the ordinary day. Sasha, as always after school, sat down at the computer. His plan was to play some favorite online game, and then take over their homework. Visited the site, drove password. Strange. Floated box with the inscription: "Dear player! Tried to hack your page! To confirm their identity, type the password of the mail! "Sasha thought ... There are two options. Students discuss both and pick one. Depending on what is selected, the student has a specific section of sketches.

Electronic Business Theatre

Слайд 9
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