Science fiction, thriller, autobiography, war story, horror story, spy story, ghost story.
1. An … is a story of a person’s life, written by that person.
2. A … is a book about crime.
3. A … story is about events in the future.
4. A … is about a period of fighting between countries or states.
5. A … is a book which makes people frightened.
Aliens, spaceships, trips to the moon and star wars.
Vampires ,witches, ghosts and scary events.
Love and hate. A happy ending…
Criminals, robbers ,killers. There is always a clever policeman, who catches them in the end.
Things that happened in the past.
Pirates, cowboys faraway islands, lost treasure ,a lot of danger.
Wizards ,witches and other magic objects and words. The plot is complicated.
Princes and princesses, very bad witches and magic animals that help people.
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