Презентация, доклад на тему Where is my bag

Aims: 1) To get pupils acquainted with new theme. 2) To develop speech skills.

Слайд 1Theme:
Where is your

Theme: Where is your book?

Слайд 2
Aims: 1) To get pupils acquainted with new theme. 2) To develop

speech skills.
Aims:  1) To get pupils acquainted with new theme.  2) To develop speech skills.

Слайд 3Questing: Where? Сұрақ: Қайда? Қай
The prepositions: in, on, under. Предлогтар: ішінде, үстінде, астында.

is your book?
Сенің кітабың қайда?
Questing: Where? Сұрақ: Қайда? Қай The prepositions: in, on, under. Предлогтар: ішінде, үстінде, астында.Where is your book?Сенің

Слайд 4Where is the cat?

It is on the chair.
Where is the


- It is under the table.

Where is the cat?

- It is in the box.

Where is the cat? It is on the chair.Where is the ball?- It is under the table.Where

Слайд 5Letter


Слайд 6Queen [kwi:n]


Queen [kwi:n]Quiet[‘kwaiәt] Question[‘kwest∫∂n] Quiz[kwi:z]

Слайд 7Сергіту сәті.

Сергіту сәті.

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