Презентация, доклад на тему Where can you work?

PROVERB: TO WORK THE LEFT HAND.1.How do you usually work: hard or the left hand?2.Don’t you mind working long hours?3.Which work do you prefer: mental or physical? Why?4.How many hours a day do you spend on

Слайд 1The theme: ‘WHERE CAN YOU WORK?’

The theme: ‘WHERE CAN YOU WORK?’


1.How do you usually work: hard

or the left hand?
2.Don’t you mind working long hours?
3.Which work do you prefer: mental or physical? Why?
4.How many hours a day do you spend on your doing homework?

PROVERB: TO WORK THE LEFT HAND.1.How do you usually work: hard or the left hand?2.Don’t you mind

Слайд 3 [æ]

Actor Singer
Actress Shift

[ai] [۸]
Driver Judge
Pilot Publisher
Miner Government
Writer (minister)
[a:] [ә:]
Architect Nurse

[æ]           [i]

Слайд 12The King and the Artist
A king liked to draw pictures, which

he thought were very good. The people to whom he showed them were afraid to criticize them. They said that his pictures were very good.
One day he showed some of them to a well-known artist, who said that his pictures were bad. The king got angry and sent the artist to the prison. After some time, the king pardoned the artist ,and then invited him to his palace to dinner. Again the king showed him his pictures and again asked him what he thought of them.
The artist turned to the soldiers who were standing behind him and said: “ Take me back to the prison”.

The King and the ArtistA king liked to draw pictures, which he thought were very good. The

Слайд 13Do you know that…
In Japan teachers earn less than factory workers.

Denmark teachers are the best-paid.
A dustman in New York earns more money than an army general in India.
In China university professors earn as much as government ministers.
Chinese journalists are the worse-paid in the world.
In Britain a nurse in a hospital is a highly paid job.
Do you know that…In Japan teachers earn less than factory workers.In Denmark teachers are the best-paid.A dustman

Слайд 14Make three columns for some jobs in Kazakhstan:

a. Which of the

following jobs are well-paid?
b. Which ones are with average wages?
c. Which ones are low-paid?
a bus-driver, a dustman, a judge, a teacher, a company director, a government minister, a doctor, a primary-school teacher, army general, a nurse, a pilot.
Make three columns for some jobs in Kazakhstan:a. Which of the following jobs are well-paid?b. Which ones

1.Will you choose the job if it’s

not well-paid?
2.Will you choose the job if it’s interesting but low-paid?
3.Will you choose the job if it is boring but it is well- paid?
4.Wil you choose the job which is useful to society?
5 Will you choose the job if you work extra hours and well-paid?

WHAT JOB WILL YOU CHOOSE?1.Will you choose the job if it’s not well-paid?2.Will you choose the job

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