Презентация, доклад на тему What is your medical history? (Кузовлев 6 класс)

What is your medical history?

Слайд 1

Слайд 2What is your medical history?

What is your medical history?

Слайд 3I think she has…..
She should….

I think she has…..She should….

Слайд 4I think she has…..
She should….

I think she has…..She should….

Слайд 5I think he has…..
He should….

I think he has…..He should….

Слайд 6I think he has…..
He should….

I think he has…..He should….

Слайд 7I think he has…..
He should….

I think he has…..He should….

Слайд 8I think he has…..
He should….

I think she has…..
She should….

I think he has…..He should….I think she has…..She should….

Слайд 9I think she …..
She should….

I think she …..She should….

Слайд 10I think she …..
She should….

I think he …..
He should….

I think she …..She should….I think he …..He should….

Слайд 12A medical сheck- медицинский

осмотр (обычный)

Sports physical- спортивный медицинский осмотр
A medical сheck- медицинский          осмотр (обычный)Sports physical- спортивный

Слайд 13

Health test- are you healthy?

1. On average, how many hours do

you sleep per night?
1-3 hours (10 points)
6-7 hours (30 points)
4-5 hours (20 points)
8 + hours (40 points)
2. How many times do you exercise per week?
0 (10 points)
3-4 times (30 points)
5+ times (40 points)
1-2 times (10 points)
3. Which of the following best describes your dinner?
mostly vegetables (40 points)
mostly sweets, cakes or ice cream (20 points)
mostly meat (20 points)
mostly fruit (30 points)
4. Do you usually eat breakfast?
Yes (40 points)
No (20 points)
5. Do you typically eat a dessert after a meal?
No, never (10 points)
Only after lunch (20 points)
Only after dinner (30 points)
Yes, always (40 points)
Health test- are you healthy?1. On average, how many hours do you sleep per night? 1-3 hours

Слайд 14

Results 50-75 points- you are very unhealthy 80-110 points- unhealthy 120-130 points- average health 140-170 points- fair healthy 150-200 points- very healthy

Слайд 15
Health is above wealth.

Health is above wealth.

Слайд 16

WB EX.1, 2 p. 73
Повторить правило образования конструкции «Нave

you ever…?»
WB   EX.1, 2 p. 73Повторить правило образования конструкции «Нave you ever…?»

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