Презентация, доклад на тему What do you know about streetwear?

HippiesHippie is a person who opposes, or is thought to oppose, the accepted standards of ordinary society showing this by dressing in unusual clothes, having long hair (both men and women), living in groups together, and

Слайд 1What do you know about streetwear?

What do you know about streetwear?

Слайд 2Hippies
Hippie is a person who opposes, or is thought to oppose,

the accepted standards of ordinary society showing this by dressing in unusual clothes, having long hair (both men and women), living in groups together, and (sometimes) taking drugs for pleasure. Hippies believed in peace.

HippiesHippie is a person who opposes, or is thought to oppose, the accepted standards of ordinary society

Слайд 3Punks
Punk is a member of a movement among certain young people

in the 1970s and 1980s who were opposed to the values of money-based society and who expressed this especially in loud violent music (punk music), strange clothing, and hair of unusual colours.
PunksPunk is a member of a movement among certain young people in the 1970s and 1980s who

Слайд 5Vocabulary:


Слайд 6Choose the statements that fit to describe punks and hippies:
like wearing

ethnic jewellery and other accessories
like having tattoos and piercing
enjoy wearing baggy trousers
have pale and unhealthy look
wear sandals or walk barefoot
have brightly dyed spiky hair
wear untidy and ripped clothes
wear black tight trousers and Doc Martens boots
customize their leather jackets with safety pins
wear clothes customized with embroidery
were the first to wear cheesecloth kaftans and headbands

Choose the statements that fit to describe punks and hippies:like wearing ethnic jewellery and other accessorieslike having

Слайд 7Do the punk or hippie styles attract you? What do you

think about these styles?
Do the punk or hippie styles attract you? What do you think about these styles?

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