Презентация, доклад на тему Values and friendship

Watch the video and guess the topichttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnVuqfXohxc

Слайд 1Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Physics and Mathematics, Almaty
Unit 3. VALUES

Planned by

Mauova M.

Grade 5

Nazarbayev Intellectual School of  Physics and Mathematics,  AlmatyUnit 3. VALUESFRIENDSHIPPlanned by Mauova M.Grade 5

Слайд 2Watch the video and guess the topic

Watch the video and guess the topichttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnVuqfXohxc

improve oral communication skills by a whole class interaction
work in

groups to exchange your viewpoints
practise describing friends using adjectives

LESSON OBJECTIVESimprove oral communication skills by a whole class interactionwork in groups to exchange your viewpointspractise describing

Слайд 4WRITE THREE ADJECTIVES TO DESCRIBE: how you see yourself, how your

friends see you, and who you really are

“I think I am” + 3 adjectives…
“My friends think I am” + 3 adjectives…
“I am really” + 3 adjectives…

WRITE THREE ADJECTIVES TO DESCRIBE: how you see yourself, how your friends see you, and who you



Слайд 6GINGERBREAD figure
Write adjectives,
adjective phrases and verbs + nouns around

the Gingerbread figure to describe a friend
GINGERBREAD figure Write adjectives, adjective phrases and verbs + nouns around the Gingerbread figure to describe a

What’s the same and what’s different?
Why are friends important?

SPEAKINGWhat’s the same and what’s different?Why are friends important?

Why do we pay so much attention to friendship?
Why is

it so interesting to spend free time with our friends?
FEEDBACKWhy do we pay so much attention to friendship? Why is it so interesting to spend free

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