Презентация, доклад на тему В гостях хорошо,а дома лучше


Слайд 1November 23,2016
East or West –
Home is Best.
(an English proverb)

November 23,2016East or West – Home is Best.(an English proverb)

Слайд 2Australia


Слайд 3The Australian Flag

The Australian Flag

Слайд 4The Great Victoria Desert in Australia

The Great Victoria Desert in Australia

Слайд 5The United States of America

The United States of America

Слайд 6The American Flag

The American Flag

Слайд 7The Statue of Liberty in New-York

The Statue of Liberty   in New-York

Слайд 8The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Слайд 9The British Flag

The British Flag

Слайд 10London is the capital of the UK

London is the capital of the UK

Слайд 12The Canadian Flag

The Canadian Flag

Слайд 13The Niagara Falls

The Niagara Falls

Слайд 14New Zealand

New Zealand

Слайд 15The New Zealandian Flag

The New Zealandian Flag

Слайд 16Maiori are the native people of New Zealand

Maiori are the native people of New Zealand

Слайд 17Past Progressive Tense (Прошедшее длительное время)

Действие происходило в прошлом в определенный момент.

Past Progressive Tense (Прошедшее длительное время)Действие происходило в прошлом в определенный момент.

Слайд 18Сигнальные слова:

Yesterday at 3 p.m.
Yesterday when mother came

Сигнальные слова:Yesterday at 3 p.m.Yesterday when mother came

Слайд 19Вспомогательные глаголы:
Was (I, she, he, it)
Were (we, you, they)

Вспомогательные глаголы:Was (I, she, he, it)Were (we, you, they)

Слайд 20Образуется по формуле:

was/were + Ving

Образуется по формуле:was/were + Ving

Слайд 21Приведем пример:
He was writing the test yesterday at 2 p.m.
Was he

writing the test yesterday at 2 p.m.?
Отрицательное предложение:
Не was not writing the test yesterday at 2 p.m.

Приведем пример:He was writing the test yesterday at 2 p.m.Вопрос:Was he writing the test yesterday at 2

Слайд 22Open the Brackets:
They (to sleep) when mother came.
I (to read) the

newspaper yesterday at 7.
My mother (to work) every day.
Children (to watch) TV now.
He (to play) computer games yesterday at 5 p.m.
They (to swim) in the river tomorrow.
My parents (to buy) the new house last year.
Open the Brackets:They (to sleep) when mother came.I (to read) the newspaper yesterday at 7.My mother (to

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