Презентация, доклад на тему Урок в разнотрансформируемом пространстве для 6 класса по теме Board games. Present Continuous Tense (УМК Spotlight)

Look at the pictures and answer the questionsWho is he?What does he do here?

Слайд 1Let’s play a board game!

Let’s play a board game!

Слайд 2Look at the pictures and answer the questions
Who is he?
What does

he do here?
Look at the pictures and answer the questionsWho is he?What does he do here?

Слайд 3Present Continuous Tense
Robison Crusoe is … -ing

Present Continuous TenseRobison Crusoe is … -ing

Слайд 4Read the text and answer the following questions
What does ‘Snakes and

Ladders’ mean?
Where does it come from?
Who plays this game?
Which are the rules of this game?
When do you win?
Read the text and answer the following questionsWhat does ‘Snakes and Ladders’ mean?Where does it come from?Who

1. Pictures
2. Rules:
How many people can play

How many steps are there?
Which activities would you include in your game?

MAKING YOUR OWN BOARD GAME1. Pictures2. Rules:How many people can play it?How many steps are there?Which activities

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