Презентация, доклад на тему Урок-исследование на тему Образование притяжательных прилагательных на примере планет Солнечной системы

Welcome to our English lesson!

Слайд 1 Lesson of Research Grade 3
Teacher: Mamirova A.S.

Lesson of Research Grade 3  Teacher: Mamirova A.S.

Слайд 2Welcome to our English lesson!

Welcome to our English lesson!

Слайд 3Let it always be sunshine!

Let it always be sunshine!

Слайд 4Sun+Flower=Sunflower


Слайд 5
– er


The _____ balloon is bigger than the ______ balloon.


– er thanThe _____ balloon is bigger than the ______ balloon.Comparative Adjectives

Слайд 6Compare pets

Compare pets

Слайд 7Compare pets
A cat is smaller than a dog

Compare petsA cat is smaller than a dog

Слайд 8Compare animals

Compare animals

Слайд 9Compare animals
Lions are bigger than cats

Compare animalsLions are bigger than cats

Слайд 10Compare seasons

Compare seasons

Слайд 11Compare seasons
Winter is colder than autumn

Compare seasonsWinter is colder than autumn

Слайд 12Compare seasons

Compare seasons

Слайд 13Compare seasons
Summer is hotter than spring

Compare seasonsSummer is hotter than spring

Слайд 14

Close - closer

Far - farther

Comparative Adjectives

Close - closerFar - fartherComparative Adjectives

Слайд 15The solar system
There are eight planets around the Sun

The solar systemThere are eight planets around the Sun

Слайд 16Planets


Слайд 18

- est

Venus is the hottest planet

Superlative adjectives

the- estVenus is the hottest planetSuperlative adjectives

Слайд 19Grammar box

Grammar box

Слайд 20Grammar box

Grammar box

Слайд 21Team work
is the ______/ are the_______

Team work  is the ______/ are the_______

Слайд 22Team work

Team work

Слайд 23How many planets are there in our solar system?
Is the sun

a planet?
Which is the smallest planet?
Is Venus hotter than Mercury?
Which are the coldest planets?
Which is the biggest planet?
Which is the farthest planet from the Sun?
Which is the closest planet to the Sun?


How many planets are there in our solar system?Is the sun a planet?Which is the smallest planet?Is

Слайд 24Remember!!!
хороший – лучше – самый лучший

Remember!!!theхороший – лучше – самый лучший

Слайд 25Workbook, P.80, Ex. 1, 2.

Workbook, P.80, Ex. 1, 2.

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