Презентация, доклад на тему Урок английского языка по теме Библиотеки. Вчера, сегодня, завтра для 8 класса по учебнику Happy English.ru K.Kaufman, M.Kaufman

AimsTo tell about our favourite booksTo get acquainted with great librariesTo learn library rulesTo speak about future libraries

Слайд 1Libraries

Library is pharmacy for the soul.

( Ancient wisdom )
Библиотека – аптека для души.

LibrariesYesterdayTodayTomorrow Library is pharmacy for the soul.

Слайд 2Aims
To tell about our favourite books
To get acquainted with great libraries

learn library rules
To speak about future libraries

AimsTo tell about our favourite booksTo get acquainted with great librariesTo learn library rulesTo speak about future

Слайд 3Vocabulary
Library [`laibrəri] – библиотека
Libraries [`laibrəriz] – библиотеки
Librarian [lai`breəriən] – библиотекарь
Due date

– срок возврата книги
Valid – действительный
Date issued – дата выдачи
Charge – взимать плату
Loan – взять на время
To borrow books – брать книги
To return books – возвращать книги
A fine - штраф
VocabularyLibrary [`laibrəri] – библиотекаLibraries [`laibrəriz] – библиотекиLibrarian [lai`breəriən] – библиотекарьDue date – срок возврата книгиValid – действительныйDate

Слайд 5How to build words
Adjective + ity => Noun
possible => possibility (возможный

=> возможность)
active => activity
regular => regularity
national => nationality
responsible => responsibility

How to build wordsAdjective + ity => Nounpossible => possibility (возможный => возможность)active => activity regular =>

Слайд 6Tell me what you read, and I'll tell you what you


My favourite book is …
It was written by …
I like it because …
I recommend you to read it

Tell me what you read,  and I'll tell you what you are…My favourite book is …It



Слайд 8Alexandria Library

Alexandria Library was founded in Egypt in the III century

There were more than 700,000 scrolls
It was burned in the I st century BC
Alexandria LibraryAlexandria Library was founded in Egypt in the III century BCThere were more than 700,000 scrollsIt

Слайд 9The John Rylands Library
It was built in the 1890s in memory

of a Manchester cotton merchant John Rylands.
It's one of the most beautiful libraries in the world.
Rare books and manuscript collections are housed in this III rd largest academic libraries in the UK.
The John Rylands LibraryIt was built in the 1890s in memory of a Manchester cotton merchant John

Слайд 10Russian State Library

Russian State Library

Слайд 11Welcome to the library
Short Loan Collection:
Where are these books used?
When are

the books returned to the Desk?
What is borrowed overnight?
What are the fines charged for?
Welcome to the libraryShort Loan Collection:Where are these books used?When are the books returned to the Desk?What

Слайд 12Listen and correct

Listen and correct

Слайд 14Library rules
All library equipment and books are used carefully (Present Simple)

library equipment and books were used carefully (Past Simple)
All library equipment and books will be used carefully (Future Simple)

Library rulesAll library equipment and books are used carefully (Present Simple)All library equipment and books were used

Слайд 15Number of books and periods of loan

Number of books and periods of loan

Слайд 17E-library


Слайд 18Libraries in the Future?
Technological progress has merely provided us with more

efficient means for going backwards (Aldous Huxley, English author)
Технический прогресс лишь предоставил нам более эффективный способ для движения вспять
Libraries in the Future?Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means for going backwards (Aldous

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