Презентация, доклад на тему Упражнения по теме The verb to be in the Present Simple Tense

2.Open the brackets and use the Present Simple of the verb to be.1.My sister and I (to be) tired.2.Sam and John (to be) good runners.3.Mr Smith and Mrs Smith (to be) at work.4.Bob and I (to

Слайд 11.Open the brackets and use the Present Simple of the verb

to be.
1.She (to be) from Canada.
2.Our father (to be) tall.
3.I (to be) in Paris.
4.They (to be)hungry.
5.The children (to be)at school.
6.You (to be)angry.
7.These shoes (to be)black.
8.He (to be)brave.
9.Nick (to be) a good worker.
10.My mother (to be) at home.
11.My room (to be)big.
12.The shops (to be) far from my house.

Find the subject: pronoun
noun, change to pronoun
3. Look at the table, choose am/is/are
4. Write the sentence

1. …
2. The subject is …
It is a pronoun.
It is a noun. We can change it to pronoun …
3. That’s why we use am/is/are.

1.Open the brackets and use the Present Simple of the verb to be.1.She (to be) from Canada.2.Our

Слайд 22.Open the brackets and use the Present Simple of the verb

to be.
1.My sister and I (to be) tired.
2.Sam and John (to be) good runners.
3.Mr Smith and Mrs Smith (to be) at work.
4.Bob and I (to be) cousins.
5.The pen and the pencil (to be) on the table.

Find the subjects …
We can change them to pronoun they/we
3. Look at the table, choose am/is/are
4. Write the sentence

1. …
2. The subjects are …
We can change them to pronoun they/we …
3. That’s why we use am/is/are.

2.Open the brackets and use the Present Simple of the verb to be.1.My sister and I (to

Слайд 33.Open the brackets and use the Present Simple of the verb

to be.
1.The dog (to be) angry.
2.My little sister (to be) afraid of dogs.
3.Tom (to be) hungry.
4.I (to be) 15 years old.
5.My friend and I (to be) in the 5th form.
6.Our hands (to be) cold.
7.The sofa and the armchairs (to be) at the wall.

1. …
2. The subject is …
It is a pronoun.
It is a noun. We can change it to pronoun …

The subjects are …
We can change them to pronoun they/we …
3. That’s why we use am/is/are.

3.Open the brackets and use the Present Simple of the verb to be.1.The dog (to be) angry.2.My

Слайд 44.Open the brackets and use the Present Simple of the verb

to be.
1.I (not to be) a student.
2.You (to be) from Canada?
3.She (to be) very kind.
4.The flowers (to be) beautiful?
5.He (not to be) interested in art.
6.These cats (not to be) white.
7.Billy and Sam (to be) drivers?

1. …
2. The subject is …
It is a pronoun.
It is a noun. We can change it to pronoun …

The subjects are …
We can change them to pronoun they/we …
3. That’s why we use am/is/are.
4.The sentence is affirmative +
negative -
interrogative ?

4.Open the brackets and use the Present Simple of the verb to be.1.I (not to be) a

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