Презентация, доклад на тему Употребление глагола to be в английском языке

Смысловой глаголГлагол- связкаМодальный глаголВспомогательный глагол

Слайд 1Глагол «to be»

Глагол «to be»

Слайд 2Смысловой глагол
Глагол- связка
Модальный глагол
Вспомогательный глагол

Смысловой глаголГлагол- связкаМодальный глаголВспомогательный глагол

Слайд 3Как смысловой глагол имеет самостоятельное значение и употребляется в предложение в

роли краткого глагольного сказуемого

Глагол “ to be “ - находиться, существовать, есть.

The most popular tourist place, Edinburgh Castle, is on a high hill- the Castle Rock.
Как смысловой глагол имеет самостоятельное значение и употребляется в предложение в роли краткого глагольного сказуемого

Слайд 4 Как глагол-
связка в составном именном сказуемом. Именная часть может

быть выражена существительным, местоимением, прилагательным , причастием, инфинитивом, герундием.

Yuri Gagarin was the first person to orbit the Earth.
Как глагол- связка в составном именном сказуемом. Именная часть может быть выражена существительным, местоимением, прилагательным ,

Слайд 5

Как модальный глагол с последующим инфинитивом, означает долженствование, возможность, намерение.

I will

be to inform you. ( Я должна известить вас.)
Как модальный глагол с последующим инфинитивом, означает долженствование, возможность, намерение.I will be to inform you. ( Я

Слайд 6Глагол употребляется в качестве вспомогательного глагола в
Present Progressive Tense- am/is/are

Past Progressive Tense – was/ were+ v+ ing
Future Progressive Tense – will be/ shall be + v+ ing
Present Perfect Progressive- have been/ has been+ v+ing
Past Perfect Progressive- had been + v + ing
Future Perfect Progressive- will have been/ shall have been+ v + ing
Глагол употребляется в качестве вспомогательного глагола в Present Progressive Tense- am/is/are +v+ing Past Progressive Tense – was/

Слайд 91. It ….necessary to follow the directions.
2. I …. fascinated with

the development of ancient civilization reading about Egypt.
3. My teacher …. pleased with my success in English.
4. She …. deeply attached to her family. I… afraid, it … difficult to live far from her place.
5. His uncle …. proud of that his nephew has achieved good results in sport.
6. It … pleasant to make good impressions on your friends.
7. It …. interesting for me to solve algebraic equations.
8. The passengers ….glad to leave the ship and go on a shore.
9. We …disappointed if she fails in finals.
10. The boy … mad about football but he never has thought to become a professional sportsman.
11. Sorry to say ,his play ….failure with public.
12. My hobby … travelling abroad. I have visited different countries.
13. Mountaineering……dangerous sport. It… worth while doing it.
14. It .. . important to have additional classes in English to improve language.
15. You … surprised at success of your friends .

1.Fill in the verb “to be”

1. It ….necessary to follow the directions.2. I …. fascinated with the development of ancient civilization reading

Слайд 101. to be capable of a) to

be fascinated with
2. to be fond of b) to like somebody
3. to be surprised at c) can do something
4. to be with you d) to be keen on
5. to be in love with e) listen to

2. Find out the synonyms.

1. to be capable of     a) to be fascinated with2. to be fond

Слайд 111. to be late for

a) to be brave
2. to be afraid of b) to be unknown for
3. to be popular with c) to be full of energy
4. to be on a diet d) to be empty
5 to be tired of e) to eat much
6.to be crowded with f) to come in time

3. Find out the antonyms.

1. to be late for         a) to be brave2.

Слайд 12
1) to be afraid of , to be ashamed of ,

to be worth of , to be independent of , to be crowded with, to be proud of , to be capable of
2) to be value of , to be on a diet, to be in need , to be angry with, to be in the habit, to be in love with
3) to be fond of , to mad about, to be crazy about , to be independent of , to be keen on.

4. Pick up odd word-combinations.

1) to be afraid of , to be ashamed of , to be worth of , to

Слайд 131. There ….. a lot of channels on TV. What …..

your favorite channels?
2. The audience …. highly pleased with the play “ Three sisters” by Chekhov yesterday.
3. My father …..interested in rock music when he was a child. Now the taste has changed. He prefers to listen classic one.
4. I….. sure, I ……good at English next year. I want to speak fluently.
5. The new film ….. warmly received by the cinema goers this month.
6. Avazovsky …. an outstanding painter of seascapes.
7. May …… the last month of the school year. We …. gay at the thought of the coming holidays.
8. She …. a lovely girl with the blue funny eyes.
9. His mother …..ill. She … at the hospital now.
10. We ….. glad to see you at our place tomorrow.
11. His brother ……. in the ninth form for next year.
12. The children ……surprised to see so many presents under Christmas tree next week.
13. Her small sister ….. fond of cycling several years ago. But she has grown, the only thing which she….. interested in is dancing.
14. The work ….. done ,next week by Monday.
15. Ulan-Ude ….. a capital of Buraytiya. It ….. situated on the Selenga and the Uda.

5. Put the verb” to be “ in the necessary form

1. There ….. a lot of channels on TV. What ….. your favorite channels?2. The audience ….

Слайд 14
1. British pubs are famous ….. traditional kind of beer

called “ real ale”.
2. We are surprised ….. high cost of public transport in London.
3. Why has he been …. love… such a strange girl?
4. Our daughter has entered Moscow University. We are proud … her.
5. Her teacher is always angry…. her when she is late…. additional classes in English.
6. My little brother is afraid ….. spiders.
7. Are you good …..reading newspapers in the original?
8. He was fond ….. computer games when he was a schoolboy.
9. They were interested ….. contemporary English literature.
10. Early in the 18th century Kyachta was known …. tea trade.
11. I hope, I shall be the best …. History, I am working hard to know it better.
12. Her friend is interested …. photography. He spends much time making photos.
13.The Americans are known …. its hospitality and willingness.
14.I think, this kind of music is popular …. with the youngsters.
15.This charming place never has been crowded ….people. It’s the best way to spend relaxing week-end.

6. Fill in prepositions.

1. British pubs are famous ….. traditional kind of beer called “ real ale”.2. We are

Слайд 151. I am good at Biology. It is interesting to learn

about animals and birds.
2.My brother was interested in Algebra. He liked to solve algebraic equations.
3.His friend’s hobby is sport. He is keen on volley-ball. He can play volley-ball well.
4.Their classmates are fond of Literature. They enjoy reading classic literature. Their favorite writers are Tolstoy, Dickens.
5. My mother’s hobby is music. She prefers listening to folk one.
6. Their friend is good at Geography. He thinks, it is important to discover new things. Geography is useful when people travel around the world.
7. His father is mad about hiking and boating. Hiking and boating are popular with his friends.
8. My hobby is learning foreign languages. I have a good command of English, because I work hard to improve it.
9. Her friend is interested in photography. He makes photos with pleasure.
10. Trafalgar Square had been known last century by that time.
11.The Tower of London is famous for black ravens.
12 I am sure, the boy will be good at painting. He is rather talented.
13. England was the mistress of the sea after the victory at Trafalgar.
14.With fear of chronic global warming, hydrologists warn that future water resources will be at risk.
15. I have been pleased with the results of the test today.

7. Make up general questions.

1. I am good at Biology. It is interesting to learn about animals and birds.2.My brother was

Слайд 161. The island is situated in the northern part of the

country, ……?
2. The children will be happy to spend next week-end at the sea, …..?
3. Her name isn’t Jane , ……?
4.He isn’t 25, …..?
5. They are from the south of the country, ……?
6. My girl-friend wasn’t good at playing the piano,…..?
7. The grandfather won’t be busy reading newspapers, …..?
8. It has been the most attractive place in the world today,….?
9.We are fond of listening to pop music, …..?
10. They will be at home in the evening,…..?
11. Driving a car is not an easy thing, …..?
12. Russia has been famous for outstanding people: poets, writers, scientists,…….?
13. You were glad to go sightseeing about Paris, ……?
14. Mary and Kate were not mad about mountaineering,……?
15. Good rest is necessary for us, ……?

8. Make up disjunctive questions.

1. The island is situated in the northern part of the country, ……?2. The children will be

Слайд 171. Your advice given me yesterday was useful and important.( Whose?)

Photography was popular in the 20 th century.( When?)
3. Many parents were not pleased with the way the children spend free time.( Who ?)
4.That was the most thrilling competition of the year.( What kind of?)
5.Yachting and horse –racing have been popular with Britain today.( Where?)
6. A lot of parents had not been pleased with the way the children spent free time.
7. There is always a good crowd for a football match at the stadium.( What?)
8. The girl was crazy about playing the piano. She liked the way the piano sounded in the concert hall.( Why ?)
9. We are fascinated by the fact that 48 % immigrants in Britain are bilingual.
(How many?)
10. Jack’s friend is very punctual.( Whose?) I wonder, what’s holding him up now?
11. My duty has been to feed the dog.( Whose?)
12. Latin was the most influential foreign language for a long time.( How long?)
13. He has never been a regular customer at one of the biggest London stores. (Which?)
14. Our republic is rich in forests.( What?)
15. His son’s dream is to become a president of the firm.( Whose?)

9. Make up special questions .

1. Your advice given me yesterday was useful and important.( Whose?)2. Photography was popular in the 20

Слайд 181. Jerome K Jerome …… one of the most beloved of

all English writers today.
2. My grandfather ….. an officer and got a military career.
3.I hope , he ….. known some day. He is making much progress.
4.There ….. a stormy ovation after yesterday’s performance.
5.Reading …. not the only occupation in her life last year.
6. Their mother’s silver jubilee…. this month.
7. I am sure, the boy…. interested in history. To study history is to learn more about the world.
8. His mother ……angry with her son for his yesterday’s bad mark in Literature.
9. Fans …. fascinated by the success of the football team by that time.
10. A lot of tourists …. in France near Eifel Tower last week .
11 ….. money an important factor when people try to choose for job?
12. Computer-controlled construction sets toys …..very interesting for him when he was a boy.
13. Einstein…..in advance of the physical theory of his time.
14.With fear of chronic global warming ,hydrologists warn that future water resources….. at risk.
15. They ……surprised at courage that little woman. She devoted her life to her sick child.

10. Fill in with the right form of the verb “ to be”.

1. Jerome K Jerome …… one of the most beloved of all English writers today.2. My grandfather

Слайд 19B4 TV and ____ when his

father came into the room. NOT HEAR
B5 “ Who_____?” he asked PLAY
B6 “ The Spanish Club and the Portuguese,” Jim_____ that his KNOW
dad was not a fan and didn’t go into details.
“ Who are you supporting?”
B7 “ The Spanish. If the team____ to win this game, it’ll get MANAGE
to the final.” “ They will. The final score will be 2-1 to the
Spanish Club”.
Jim turned to his dad:” How do you know?”
B8 “It’s not me. A colleague of _____ has predicted the results I
of ten matches.
B9 No mistake yet. Today’s the ____ game” TEN
Jim looked at his father again. “ Sounds a bit crazy. But if I
were able to predict the results of the game….” “ If you were
B10 able to predict it, it_____ interesting to watch football at all. NOT BE
B11 Are you hungry by the way? I_____ some pizza. Will you join ORDER
B12 “Yes, sure, ”Jim turned to his father.” But I still____ understand..” NOT CAN
And at that very moment the Spanish forward scored the first goal.

Прочитайте текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами B4- B12 , так , чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию.

Time was running out. The game was exciting and dynamic
but the score was still 0-0.Jim couldn’t take his eyes off the

B4    TV and   ____ when his father came into the room.

Слайд 20B4 The weather____awful- it was windy and it was raining

hard. BE
B5 His ____ got wet in seconds. FOOT
B6 His old jacket_____ defend him from the rain or the wind. NOT CAN
B7 “ If I don’t find a shelter and a warm drink, I_____ a cold, and GET
no one will benefit from coming here”.
B8 John said to_____ and went back inside the railway station. HE
B9 It was the ____ time the seventeen-year-old John had ever left ONE
village where he lived with his mother and two sisters.
A letter from his uncle was a surprise but not a pleasant one.
His uncle had written that his health was getting worse and he
B10 ____ someone to help him in his grocery shop. Jon’s mother NEED
B11 decided that he_____ to the town to work in the shop. He GO
B12 was far from feeling delighted about it was the ____ child OLD
in the family and it was his duty to help his mother and to
support his sisters.

Прочитайте текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами B4- B12 , так , чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию.

John was not surprised to see that nobody had met at the station.

B4  The weather____awful- it was windy and it was raining hard.

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