Презентация, доклад на тему Ученическая презентация на тему Языковая мозаика (9 класс)


Слайд 1“Language Mosaic”
Presentation made by
Group of students
School №13


“Language Mosaic”Presentation made byGroup of students School №13M.AkhmedovaK.FyodorovaD.MamedovaH.Frush

Слайд 3The United Kingdom used to be a big empire. People said

about it: “The sun never sets on the British Empire”. Britain had the largest empire: colonies or territories all over the world: the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand. India also was one of them. Queen Victoria was crowned Empress of India in 1857. Since the colonization England influenced on the social and culture life of Indian people.

The United Kingdom used to be a big empire. People said about it: “The sun never sets

Слайд 4All the people in the colonies had to speak English. Today

English is the second official language of India. English became the language of the legislation, higher education, inter- regional administrative system, science and technology, trade and commerce. English was the main instrument of knowledge, both in the Sciences and the Humanities. It started representing modernization and development.
All the people in the colonies had to speak English. Today English is the second official language

Слайд 5People in India owe their acquaintance with tea the British. Before

that they had known about this drink nothing. So the tea traditions are the same as British. Hindus drink only strong tea with sugar, adding milk. The main difference is brewing of very strong tea. It is believed that one cup of this tea in Indian is equal six cups of English tea. Such strength is a traditional feature of this country. No country can be compared with a similar strength of tea.
People in India owe their acquaintance with tea the British. Before that they had known about this

Слайд 6Many sports in India take their origin from England and was

spread throughout the country during the British colonial domination. English Football is definitely the most popular sport in India and developed much stronger than in the country of origin. The second most popular kind of sport is hockey, but it was his kind of field hockey. Cricket and tennis also gained huge popularity in India.
Many sports in India take their origin from England and was spread throughout the country during the

Слайд 7Canada


Слайд 8Canada Canada occupies most of the northern part of North America.

75% of the territory is the north zone. Canada borders with the United States, stretching from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific in the west and the Arctic in the north. Canada takes the second place in the world after Russia by its territory.
Canada  Canada occupies most of the northern part of North America. 75% of the territory is

Слайд 9Languages of Canada - the federal policy of bilingualism.
Canada is

officially a bilingual country . On July 7, 1969 under the Law on official languages English and French got equal status in Parliament, in federal court and state institutions.
English is the mother tongue of 57.8 % of the population , French - for 22.1% .
First English language was used by British merchants and the fishermen who started Hudson's Bay Company .
In general, Canadian English combines the traditional British English (mostly spelling) and American English. They have strong influence on the vocabulary and phonetics of Canadian English.

Languages of Canada - the federal policy of bilingualism. Canada is officially a bilingual country . On

Слайд 10Religion
Canadians worship a large number of religions. Most Canadians

consider themselves to be Christians , and the rest of the population (6.7%) worship Judaism , Islam, Buddhism , Hinduism. For past 10 years, the Muslim population of Canada increased by 82%. Muslims make up 3.2% of Canada's population . This is the fastest growing community in Canada.
Religion  Canadians worship a large number of religions. Most Canadians consider themselves to be Christians ,

Слайд 11Literature .
Canadian literature is the literature written by Canadian authors.

Due to the fact that the country has two official languages , Canadian literature is usually divided into two major traditions : English-Canadian literature and French Canadian literature. In recent decades , literary diversity of the country has increased significantly due to the impact of international immigration.
In the 1990s, Canada's literary achievements have received wide international recognition. Michael Ondaatje and Margaret Atwood are the owners of the Booker Prize in 1992 and 2000 respectively.
Literature . Canadian literature is the literature written by Canadian authors. Due to the fact that the

Слайд 12Stories and legends ( Canadian Indians )
Almost all Indian tribes

have their own legends about the creation of the world.
Here is one of them :
The progenitor of the human race Avenhai fell from the upper world to the lower world . There was only the ocean inhabited by marine animals . From its waters towards the woman floated beaver , turtle , muskrat and otter . ( Beaver is an symbolic animal of Canada ) . Together, they kept here on the surface. Muskrat dived under water, brought her out and put it on the tortoise . This land has grown , and thus was formed the dry land . Avenhai populated it with their descendants …

Stories and legends ( Canadian Indians ) Almost all Indian tribes have their own legends about the

Слайд 13Australia


Слайд 14Australia
Australia is a bright multicultural country with different nationalities. It is

the sixth largest country in the world, as well as the only country that presents the whole continent. The country is situated in the southern hemisphere and the summer lasts from December to February.
AustraliaAustralia is a bright multicultural country with different nationalities. It is the sixth largest country in the

Слайд 15Interesting facts
Parrots fly right on the streets, screaming loudly.
In the

evenings, you can often find huge bats.
In Australia, there are three times more kangaroos than people.
Australia is a home for 100 million sheep . In 2000, there were about 120 million sheep. Simple calculations show that the sheep in Australia are 5 times more than people (20 million)

Interesting factsParrots fly right on the streets, screaming loudly. In the evenings, you can often find huge

Слайд 16In the Australian Alps, snow falls more than in Swiss .

Australian Alps are part of the Great Dividing Range in the eastern part of the continent, which stretches for 3500 kilometers from north to south through Queensland, South Wales and Victoria. Here one can enjoy popular winter sports.

The largest reef in the world . The Great Barrier Reef is the largest coral reef in the world. It is also the largest organic formation on Earth, stretching for 2,000 km. The reef is located in the Coral Sea. In fact, it is a continuous series of reef, separated from the mainland by a shallow lagoon.

In the Australian Alps, snow falls more than in Swiss . Australian Alps are part of the

Слайд 17The longest wall in the world is not in China but

it is the so-called "Dog fence" that separates the Australian continent into two parts, one of which is the habitat of wild dingo dogs. The fence was built, to protect the pastures of Queensland from the dingo. Its total length is 5614 kilometers.
Air in Tasmania is considered to be the cleanest air on the planet.
Australia is among the ten countries with the highest standards of life.
Beach Hyams sands, Guinness Book of Records declares as the whitest in the world.
The longest wall in the world is not in China but it is the so-called

Слайд 18New Zealand

New Zealand

Слайд 19
New Zealand
The state is situated in the south-western part of the

Pacific Ocean, Polynesia, located on two large islands (the North Island and the South Island) and a great number of (approximately 700) adjacent smaller islands.
New ZealandThe state is situated in the south-western part of the Pacific Ocean, Polynesia, located on

Слайд 20New Zealand political structure is constitutional monarchy with parliamentary democracy. In

the unicameral parliament consists of 120-member House of Representatives. The members of Parliament appointed 20 ministers, who make up the executive body - the Cabinet of Ministers. The Cabinet of Ministers is headed by the Prime Minister of New Zealand. Today the Prime Minister is John Key. Elections are held every three years. The capital of New Zealand is Wellington.

Elizabeth II.
Queen of New Zealand.

Political structure

New Zealand political structure is constitutional monarchy with parliamentary democracy. In the unicameral parliament consists of 120-member

Слайд 21Kiwi bird is a symbol of New Zealand. Nowhere else on

the planet, this bird is not presented.

Also one can see here the owl, the parrot kakapo, kea birds New Zeland is their only habitat .

New Zealand is unusual country

Kiwi bird is a symbol of New Zealand. Nowhere else on the planet, this bird is not

Слайд 22One of the main characteristical features of New Zealand is its

carefully preserved green and clean image. It is one of the cleanest countries in the world. There are also a lot of pictures quelandscapes. I think it is one of the most beautiful countries worth visiting.

Nature of New Zealand

One of the main characteristical features of New Zealand is its carefully preserved green and clean image.

Слайд 23!!!THANK YOU FOR


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