Презентация, доклад на тему Творческий проект Английское чаепитие

It’s also a meal in the aftenoon.

Слайд 1Tea is Britain‘ favourite drink.

Tea is Britain‘ favourite drink.

Слайд 2It’s also a meal in the aftenoon.

It’s also a meal in the aftenoon.

Слайд 3British people have 185 capper day.

British people have 185 capper day.

Слайд 4They may drink tea and often eat biscuits, cakes or

sandwiches with it.
They may drink tea and often eat biscuits, cakes or  sandwiches with it.

Слайд 5Tea love more than juice.

Tea love more than juice.

Слайд 6Tea is the best treatment for all sorts of problems and

troubles instead of pills.
Tea is the best treatment for all sorts of problems and troubles instead of pills.

Слайд 7Enjoy your tea!

Enjoy your tea!

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