Презентация, доклад на тему Цивилизации Китая! Chinese civilization!

Chinese civilization is one of the oldest in the world. According to Chinese scientists, its age can be five thousand years, while the available written sources cover a period of at least 3500 years.

Слайд 1Chinese civilization

Chinese civilization

Слайд 2Chinese civilization is one of the oldest in the world. According

to Chinese scientists, its age can be five thousand years, while the available written sources cover a period of at least 3500 years.
Chinese civilization is one of the oldest in the world. According to Chinese scientists, its age can

Слайд 3China is home to some of the most significant inventions of

human civilization, including the four great inventions of Ancient China: paper, compass, gunpowder, printing. .
China is home to some of the most significant inventions of human civilization, including the four great

Слайд 5Chinese civilization has gone through the transition from antiquity to the

middle ages unnoticed, without global transformation and destruction of all the foundations, as it was in the West. Moreover, medieval China in many ways resembled ancient China. But the changes still occurred. The middle ages in China, in fact, began much earlier than in Europe.
Chinese civilization has gone through the transition from antiquity to the middle ages unnoticed, without global transformation

Слайд 6An interesting feature in ancient China, each person had several names.

One of them — children's, or dairy-parents gave at the birth of the child.
An interesting feature in ancient China, each person had several names. One of them — children's, or

Слайд 7Great inventions paper Gunpowder Compass printing Are rightfully considered the four

great inventions of China.
Great inventions paper Gunpowder Compass printing Are rightfully considered the four great inventions of China.

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