Презентация, доклад на тему Традиции и обычаи Англии (7 класс)

New year in England mark without gifts and it is not obligatory in the bosom of the family. Traditional dishes for this celebration aren't present. Usually English mistresses prepare an apple pie. In Scotland the meeting

Слайд 1New year (on January, 1st)
Traditions and customs England

New year (on January, 1st)Traditions and customs England

Слайд 2New year in England mark without gifts and it is not

obligatory in the bosom of the family. Traditional dishes for this celebration aren't present. Usually English mistresses prepare an apple pie.

In Scotland the meeting of New year is considered more important holiday, than Christmas. New year on-shotlandski is, first of all, general cleaning. Any business shouldn't remain incomplete: hours get, socks darn, all holes sew up. With the first blow of hours head of the house wide open flings the door open and holds it before last blow so it lets out old year from the house, and new lets in.

New year in England mark without gifts and it is not obligatory in the bosom of the

Слайд 3Also in Scotland it is considered that the first person who

will come into the house after approach of New year, considerably will affect a financial condition. Depending on region, good luck is brought by a fair-haired or dark-haired stranger. In England good luck is brought by the person who has brought in the house a piece of coal and a glass at its finest.
Also in Scotland it is considered that the first person who will come into the house after

Слайд 4In Great Britain the big distribution has custom of "Admission of

New year". The custom of an admission of New year consists In Herdfordshire that when hours start to beat 12, open a back door of the house to let out Old year, and with last blow of hours open a forward door, letting in New year.
The first day of new year for Englishmen - a boundary between the recent last and mysterious future. With this day signs, popular beliefs and guessings have been connected many. The rain in morning of New year foretells bad, lean year. Tried to define also what crop, on an outline of clouds will be. Scots on the eve of New year guessed and about destiny of a family. For this purpose in the evening before a dream covered burning peat with ashes, and tried to see on it a sign reminding a print of a human foot in the morning: if a sock at a trace will turn to a door, means, the number of members of a family this year will decrease, if from a door - increases. There is no print on ashes, there will be no changes.
On January, 1st, with the beginning of new year, British always make any important decisions which should improve their life (to give up smoking, go in for sports and others).
In Great Britain the big distribution has custom of

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