Презентация, доклад на тему The weather forecast

On Monday it will be sunny. The temperature will be 1 above zero.

Слайд 1Project «Тhe Weather forecast"

Stepanova Yuliya 6-B grade
Project «Тhe Weather forecast

Слайд 2On Monday it will be sunny. The temperature will be 1

above zero.

On Monday it will be sunny. The temperature will be 1 above zero.

Слайд 3
On Tuesday it will be sunny and warm. The temperature

will be 4 above zero.
On Tuesday it will be sunny and warm. The temperature will be 4 above zero.

Слайд 4On Wednesday it will be sunny. The temperature will be 5

above zero.

On Wednesday it will be sunny. The temperature will be 5 above zero.

Слайд 5On Thursday it will be sunny and warm. The temperature will

be 6 above zero.

On Thursday it will be sunny and warm. The temperature will be 6 above zero.

Слайд 6On Friday it will be cloudy. The temperature will be 8

above zero.

On Friday it will be cloudy. The temperature will be 8 above zero.

Слайд 7On Saturday it will be sunny. The temperature will be 7

above zero.

On Saturday it will be sunny. The temperature will be 7 above zero.

Слайд 8On Sunday it will be cloudy and light rain. The temperature

will de 6 above zero.

On Sunday it will be cloudy and light rain. The temperature will de 6 above zero.

Слайд 9
The End

The End

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