Презентация, доклад на тему The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


Flag of the UK

Слайд 1The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northen rIreland
The United Kingdom

Great Britain and
Northern Ireland

The United  Kingdom of Great Britain and Northen rIreland    The United Kingdomof Great

Слайд 4Flag of the UK

Flag of the UK

Слайд 5The national flag of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and

Northern Ireland is the most obvious symbol of the United Kingdom. It is called the Union Jack.

"Jack" is an old word which means "sailor". It explains the name of the flag. King James Ш (1566-1622) ordered the Union Flag to be flown on the main mast of all British ships, except for the ships of war. So the flag was flown at the front of the ships.

Union Jack is a mixture of several overlaid flags. It combines three flags representing England, Scotland and Ireland.

These flags are the crosses of the Patron Saint of England (St. George's Cross — red cross on a white ground), the flag of the Patron Saint of Scotland (St. Andrew's Cross — white diagonal cross on a blue ground) and the flag of the Patron Saint of Northern Ireland (St. Patrick's Cross — red diagonal on a white ground).
The national flag of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the most obvious

Слайд 23England: places of interest

England: places of interest

Слайд 24Look and learn
Trafalgar Square [ trǝfælgǝ skweǝ]
The Tower of London [tauǝ

ǝv lʌndn]
The Houses of Parliament [hauziz ǝv pɑ:lǝmǝt]
Big Ben [bιg ben]
Westminster Abbey [westmιnstǝ æbι]
Tower Bridge [tauǝ brιdʒ]
Buckingham Palace [bʌkιŋǝm pælιs]
(The) London Eye [lʌndn aι ]
(The) Thames [temz]

Look and learnTrafalgar Square [ trǝfælgǝ skweǝ]The Tower of London [tauǝ ǝv lʌndn]The Houses of Parliament [hauziz

Слайд 29Buckingham Palace - The London home of the British Royal family

Buckingham Palace - The London home of the British Royal family

Слайд 31The Houses of Parliament

The Houses of Parliament

Слайд 33Tower Bridge

Tower Bridge

Слайд 35Big Ben

Big Ben

Слайд 37Westminster Abbey

Westminster Abbey

Слайд 39Trafalgar Square

Trafalgar Square

Слайд 42Tower of London

Tower of London

Слайд 44The Thames - the most famous British river

The Thames - the most famous British river

Слайд 45The London Eye

The London Eye

Слайд 46The London Eye at night

The London Eye at night

Слайд 49Ancient castles

Ancient castles

Слайд 53Bodiam Castle

Bodiam Castle



Слайд 55Regent’s Park

Regent’s Park

Слайд 56Saint James Park

Saint James Park

Слайд 57Hyde Park

Hyde Park

Слайд 58Scotland: Places of interests

Scotland: Places of interests

Слайд 59Castles of Scotland

Castles of Scotland

Слайд 62Sterling Castle

Sterling Castle

Слайд 63Edinburgh’s castle

Edinburgh’s castle

Слайд 64Stonehenge


Слайд 67Edinburgh- the capital of Scotland

Edinburgh- the capital of Scotland

Слайд 69Wales: Places of interests

Wales: Places of interests

Слайд 71Боделвиддан замок

Боделвиддан замок

Слайд 72Castle Bomaris

Castle Bomaris

Слайд 73Castle Carnafon- the biggest castle of Wales

Castle Carnafon- the biggest castle of Wales

Слайд 74Stemford Bridge

Stemford Bridge

Слайд 76The capital of Ireland

The capital of Ireland

Слайд 77Стормонт-парламент Северной Ирландии

Стормонт-парламент Северной Ирландии

Слайд 78Northern Ireland: places of interest

Northern Ireland: places of interest

Слайд 79Dundrum Castle

Dundrum Castle

Слайд 80Аллея из букв

Аллея из букв

Слайд 81Буковая аллея

Буковая аллея

Слайд 82Дорога гигантов

Дорога гигантов

Слайд 84Ashford Castle

Ashford Castle

Слайд 85Тропа великанов

Тропа великанов

Слайд 86Дорога гигантов

Дорога гигантов

Слайд 87Мостовая гиганта

Мостовая гиганта

Слайд 88Моун стюарт

Моун стюарт

Слайд 90Political System of the UK

Political System of the UK

Слайд 92политика


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