Презентация, доклад на тему The ring shows the way (7 кл) К. И. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман Happy English.ru

Read the words:Slave – рабPicts - пикты Wealas - одно из древних названий УэльсаScots – скотты

Part 2


Слайд 2Read the words:
Slave – раб
Picts - пикты
Wealas - одно из

древних названий Уэльса
Scots – скотты

Read the words:Slave – рабPicts - пикты Wealas - одно из древних названий УэльсаScots – скотты

Слайд 3Test
1. When did the meeting start?
a) in the morning

b) in the afternoon с) in the evening
2. Who was the leader of the tribe?
a) Cedric b) Artos c) King Arthur
3. Who lived on the West ?
a) Celts b) Picts c) Scots
4. In the fifth century AD the Celts were
a) Druids b) pagans c) Christians
5. The land of slaves was…
a) Scotland b) Wealas c) Rome

Test 1. When did the meeting start?a) in the morning  b) in the afternoon  с)

Слайд 46. Which was the easier choice?
a) the West b) the

North c) the East
7. What did a voice say ?
a) The easiest way is the best way b) The easiest way is not always the best c) The easiest way is your way
8. Which way did the people choose?
a) the West b) the East c)the North
9. Who had a dream about the tribe’s future?
a) Cedric b) Artos c) A man of about forty
10. Where were people of Artos’s dream free and happy?
a) on the North b) on the West c) on the East
6. Which was the easier choice?a) the West  b) the North  c) the East 7.

Слайд 5Ex.8. What are the reasons for and against the West? Who

said the words?
Ex.8. What are the reasons for and against the West? Who said the words?

Слайд 6Ex.9. What are the reasons for and against the North? Who

said the words?
Ex.9. What are the reasons for and against the North? Who said the words?

Слайд 7Choose the answer and find the second key to the treasure.

What was the most important thing for Artos’s tribe?
The ring

Choose the answer and find the second key to the treasure. What was the most important thing

Слайд 8Translate into English:
В пятом веке на Британские острова пришли англы и

саксы. Это были германские племена. Кельты были христианами, а саксы – язычниками. Саксы нападали на кельтов и забирали их землю. Некоторые кельтские племена ушли на запад. Сейчас это Уэльс. Другие кельтские племена ушли на север. Сейчас это Шотландия.
Translate into English:В пятом веке на Британские острова пришли англы и саксы. Это были германские племена. Кельты

Слайд 9The key of the test:
1 b

6 a
2 a 7 b
3 a 8 с
4 с 9 b
5 b 10 a
The key of the test:1 b

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