Презентация, доклад на тему The project A new system of education

I would like to organize competition of the improving education system of our country.

Слайд 1The new system of education
The presentation was done by 10

A’s pupils: Matveev Gleb, Polkanov Mikhail, Pyzhov Vyacheslav, Sukharev Daniil.
The new system of education The presentation was done by 10 A’s pupils: Matveev Gleb, Polkanov Mikhail,

Слайд 2I would like to organize competition of the improving education system

of our country.
I would like to organize competition of the improving education system of our country.

Слайд 3Participants will fight for an award “Best changing at school program".

The winner will receive diploma of the winner and a cash prize of 200,000 rubles. This award is given once a year, on June 10.
Participants will fight for an award “Best changing at school program

Слайд 4Competition will take place in office of education. Those residents (it

can be not only pupils who studies at school) will become winners who will tell more useful ideas.
Competition will take place in office of education. Those residents (it can be not only pupils who

Слайд 5At the end of competition, guests and participants rate all offers

and put down for each of them a mark on a ten-point scale. I think this prize will stimulate citizens to unite for improving our system of education.
At the end of competition, guests and participants rate all offers and put down for each of

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