Презентация, доклад на тему Тhe Louvre Museum 6 класс презентация

The history of the Louvre MuseumLouvre Museum is the national museum and art gallery of France. It is situated in the palace in Paris that was built in the 12th century by Philip II.

Слайд 1Тhe Louvre Museum
Official name Great Louvre

Тhe Louvre MuseumOfficial name Great Louvre

Слайд 2The history of the Louvre Museum
Louvre Museum is the national museum

and art gallery of France.
It is situated in the palace in Paris that was built in the 12th century by Philip II.
The history of the Louvre MuseumLouvre Museum is the national museum and art gallery of France. It

Слайд 3The reconstruction of the Louvre Museum
The Louvre building complex underwent a

major reconstruction in the 1980s and 1990s in order to make the old museum more comfortable to its visitors.
A vast underground complex of offices, shops, exhibition spaces, storage areas and parking areas was built.
The reconstruction of the Louvre Museum The Louvre building complex underwent a major reconstruction in the 1980s

Слайд 4The collections of the Louvre Museum
The Louvre contains the famous Mona

Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci and other great paintings from Italy, France, Netherlands and Great Britain. It is a painting in oil on a poplar panel, completed circa 1503–1519.
The collections of the Louvre Museum The Louvre contains the famous Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci

Слайд 5
The Louvre’s painting collection is one of the richest in the

world, representing (представляющий) all periods of European art up to Impressionism. It also has many masterpieces by Italian Renaissance painters and Dutch painters of the Baroque period.

The Louvre’s painting collection is one of the richest in the world, representing (представляющий) all periods of

Слайд 6The department of Renaissance
It displays the treasures of the French kings—bronzes,

pottery, jewelry and furniture.

The department of RenaissanceIt displays the treasures of the French kings—bronzes, pottery, jewelry and furniture.

Слайд 7The Greek and Roman art of the Louvre Museum
The department of

Greek and Roman art is one of the oldest in the museum. It houses architecture, sculpture, mosaics, bronzes, and pottery.
One of the masterpieces of this department is «The Winged Victory of Samothrace».
The Greek and Roman art of the Louvre MuseumThe department of Greek and Roman art is one

Слайд 8The Egyptian art of the Louvre Museum
The department of Egyptian art

was established in 1826 to organize the collections acquired during Napoleon’s Egyptian campaign. The department of Oriental antiquities is most important for its collection of Mesopotamian art.

The Egyptian art of the Louvre MuseumThe department of Egyptian art was established in 1826 to organize

Слайд 9Thank you for your attention

Thank you for your attention

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