Презентация, доклад на тему The London Quiz, 5 класс

The London Quiz.Where can you see the most famous people in the world?What is the most popular place to meet in London?Which is the most beautiful bridge?Where can you buy any toy you want?Which is the

Слайд 1
The London Quiz.
Подготовила: Шиятая Ульяна Евгеньевна.
Учитель английского языка, МОУ

«Тимирязевская СОШ»,
Чебаркульского района, Челябинской области.
The London Quiz.Подготовила: Шиятая Ульяна Евгеньевна. Учитель английского языка, МОУ «Тимирязевская СОШ»,Чебаркульского района, Челябинской области.

Слайд 2The London Quiz.
Where can you see the most famous people in

the world?
What is the most popular place to meet in London?
Which is the most beautiful bridge?
Where can you buy any toy you want?
Which is the deepest river in Britain?
Where is the most beautiful view of the city?
What is the “Star of Africa”? Where is it?
Where can you play on the grass?
Where is the home of the queen?
Which is the biggest bell?

The London Quiz.Where can you see the most famous people in the world?What is the most popular

Слайд 3 The London Eye

The London Eye

Слайд 4Thames


Слайд 5Hamleys


Слайд 6Trafalgar Square

Trafalgar Square

Слайд 7Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace

Слайд 8Big Ben

Big Ben

Слайд 9Madam Tussaud’s

Madam Tussaud’s

Слайд 10Tower Bridge

Tower Bridge

Слайд 11Hyde Park

Hyde Park

Слайд 12The Tower of London

The Tower of London

Слайд 13


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