Презентация, доклад на тему The History of Film

Moving images have always been popular. In China, for example, there were “shadow plays” 5000 years ago.

Слайд 1The history oF Cinematography in THE USA

The history oF Cinematography in THE USA

Слайд 3Moving images have always been popular. In China, for example, there

were “shadow plays” 5000 years ago.
Moving images have always been popular. In China, for example, there were “shadow plays” 5000 years ago.

Слайд 4Louis and Auguste Lumiere

Louis and Auguste Lumiere

Слайд 5“The Lumiere Cinematograph” allowed large audiences to watch “moving pictures”. Its

debut took place on 28 December 1895 in a Paris cafe. That day the Lumieres showed several short films. They were all documentaries and one of them was called Arrival of Train at the Station.
“The Lumiere Cinematograph” allowed large audiences to watch “moving pictures”. Its debut took place on 28 December

Слайд 6The silent Era
Hollywood was established in 1912. That's when a group

of New York film producers decided
to open a new studio in California.

The silent EraHollywood was established in 1912. That's when a group of New York film producers decidedto

Слайд 7Charlie Chaplin

Charlie Chaplin

Слайд 8Rudolph Valentino

Rudolph Valentino

Слайд 9Clara Bow

Clara Bow

Слайд 10Douglas Fairbanks

Douglas Fairbanks

Слайд 11Buster Keaton

Buster Keaton

Слайд 12The Talkies
Recorded sound ended the silent era in 1927. That's when

Al Jolson both spoke and sang in The
Jazz Singer.
The TalkiesRecorded sound ended the silent era in 1927. That's when Al Jolson both spoke and sang

Слайд 13First color films

First color films

Слайд 17Jean Harlow

Jean Harlow

Слайд 18Clark Gable

Clark Gable

Слайд 19Spencer Tracy

Spencer Tracy

Слайд 20After 1948, though, movie tycoons like Louis B Mayer began to face

another kind of competition. And this time it wasn't from inside the cinema industry - it was from outside.
After 1948, though, movie tycoons like Louis B Mayer began to face another kind of competition. And

Слайд 21Movies and youth culture discovered each other in the mid-50s with

two key films - Rebel Without a Cause (1955), starring James Dean, and Rock Around The Clock (1956), starring early pop idol Bill Haley. For Hollywood it was a turning point.
Movies and youth culture discovered each other in the mid-50s with two key films - Rebel Without

Слайд 22For example: • Hollywood has more competition from international film-makers now than

ever before; • Enormous “picture palaces” with one screen are being replaced by “multi-screen” cinemas; • There are still large studios, but the old “studio system” (with groups of stars working for one company) has dissappeared; • Modem films have three lives instead of one. First, they appear in the cinema, then on video and finally they're shown on TV.
For example: • Hollywood has more competition from international film-makers now than ever before; • Enormous “picture

Слайд 233D technologies appeared yet a long ago in 1950. But popular

they became not so a long ago. Their main feature is in the special 3D glasses which catch a lot of layers of images.


3D technologies appeared yet a long ago in 1950. But popular they became not so a long

Слайд 24All was begun with an invention in 1838 of stereography are

receipts of by volume image on a plane. Pictures, done from a hand, were utillized in beginning of history of by volume graphic images, - stereography was created before, than picture. In general, a method which technology of the 3D cinema consists of is based on the feature of human sight.
All was begun with an invention in 1838 of stereography are receipts of by volume image on

Слайд 25Thanks for your attention!

Thanks for your attention!

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