Презентация, доклад на тему Thanksgiving day - презентация для 5 класса по Spotlight

Фонетическая зарядка

Слайд 1Good morning!

Good morning!

Слайд 3Фонетическая зарядка

Фонетическая зарядка

Слайд 4Holidays


Слайд 6Are you tired, children? Let`s have a rest. 
Show me your shoulders, (руки

на плечи)
Show me your neck, (руки на шею)
Clap, clap your hands (хлопаем в ладоши)
And show me your back. (поворачиваемся спиной, и снова разворачиваемся)
Show me your head,  (руки на голову)
Show me your neck,
Clap, clap your hands
And show me your back.

Are you tired, children? Let`s have a rest.  Show me your shoulders, (руки на плечи)Show me your neck, (руки

Слайд 7Helloween.


Слайд 15Thanksgiving Day.

Thanksgiving Day.

Слайд 161. Who were the people that started the celebrating of American

2. What difficulties did they face in their first winter in the New World?
3. What were they taught by the American Indians?
4. Who participated in the first feast of Thanksgiving?
5. What is the date of Thanksgiving and how it was adopted?
6. What are the traditional plates on Thanksgiving?


1. Who were the people that started the celebrating of American Thanksgiving? 2. What difficulties did they

Слайд 17Thanksgiving day

Thanksgiving day

Слайд 21Повторить лексику и грамматику по данной теме.
Home task

Повторить лексику и грамматику по данной теме.Home task

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