Презентация, доклад на тему Тест на тему Англоязычные страны

Match countries and flags

Слайд 1QUIZ “ How well do you know english speaking countries ?”

E. Latypova
QUIZ “ How well do you know english speaking countries ?”By E. Latypova

Слайд 2Match countries and flags

Match countries and flags

Слайд 3Name the capitals

Name the capitals

Слайд 4Fill in the missing word
The symbol of New Zealand is a

The symbol of Australia is a ...
The symbol of the USA is an …
The symbol of Great Britain is a …
The symbol of Canada is a…

Maple leaf kangaroo kiwi eagle red rose

Fill in the missing wordThe symbol of New Zealand is a …The symbol of Australia is a

Слайд 5Complete the sentence

Complete the sentence

Слайд 6Complete the sentence

Complete the sentence

Слайд 7Match the coat of arms and the country

Match the coat of arms and the country123

Слайд 8The END


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