Презентация, доклад на тему Тема урока: Білім тарауы бойынша қорытынды сабақ 6 сынып

At the lesson we must1. We must be active.2. We must be attentive. 3. We mustn`t interrupt each other.4. We mustn`t say ''I don`t know''.5. First think

Слайд 1Білім тарауы бойынша қорытынды сабақ 6 “а” сыныбы

Бейсенова Жанат Сериковна

2015-2016 оқу


Ә.Боранбаев атындағы жалпы білім беретін орта мектебі

Білім тарауы бойынша қорытынды сабақ 6 “а” сыныбыБейсенова Жанат Сериковна 2015-2016 оқу жылы Ә.Боранбаев атындағы жалпы білім

Слайд 2At the lesson we must
1. We must be active.
2. We must

be attentive.
3. We mustn`t interrupt each other.
4. We mustn`t say ''I don`t know''.
5. First think then speak.
At the lesson we must1. We must be active.2. We must be attentive. 3. We mustn`t interrupt

Слайд 3 The school The

school has doors that open wide And friendly teachers wait inside Hurry, hurry, let`s go in For soon the lessons will begin Books and pencils I will need When I start to write and read Lots to learn and lots to do I like to go to school, don`t you?
The school The school has doors that open

Слайд 4Answer the question
1. Is your school

large or small?

2. Where is your school located?

3. How many floors has your
school got?

4. When do children start going to school in Great Britain?

5. When does compulsary education begin in Kazakhstan?

6. How long primary education last in Great Britain?

7. Say the comparative and superlative forms of these adjectives.
Big,Good, Interesting.

Answer the  question  1. Is  your school  large or small?2. Where is your

Слайд 5Complete the sentences.
Kazakh is a good subject.
Russian is

a _______ subject.
English is __________ subject.

Kazakh is a difficult subject.
Russian is _________ subject.
English is ___________ subject.

Complete the sentences.Kazakh is a  good  subject. Russian is a _______ subject.English is __________ subject.Kazakh

Слайд 6Warm up «Clap your hands»
the most beautiful
the smartest
the cleverest
more expensive
the most



Warm up «Clap your hands»cleanerthe most beautifulbiggerthe smartestthe cleverestmore expensivedarkerdirtierthe most colourfullarger

Слайд 7Mюстенберг.


Слайд 8Compulsary education in _________begins at the age of five.
_____________ education

lasts for six years.
English, Maths and Kazakh are called _____________ subjects.

Complete the sentences. (Primary, School, England)

Compulsary education in _________begins at the age of five. _____________ education lasts for six years. English, Maths

Слайд 9Find the words and translate
Оқу ..................... бұлағы,

................... шырағы.
2. ........... инемен құдық қазғандай.
3. ........... жұрттың ................. біл,
Жеті түрлі білім біл.
4. .................. көпті жау алмайды,
.................. көпті дау алмайды.
Find the words and translateОқу ..................... бұлағы,    Білім ................... шырағы. 2.   ...........

Слайд 101.Мен мектепке жеті
жасымда бардым.
2. Ол қарапайым мектеп
3. Біздің республикамызда

тоғыз жылдық білім
міндетті түрде беріледі.
4. Бізде оқу қыркүйектің
бірінде басталады.
5. Оқу мерзімі тоғыз
айға созылады.

1. It was an ordinary school.
2. Our school year began
on the first of September.
3. I go to school at the
age of seven.
4. It lasted 9 months.
5. Nine years of classes
are compulsary in
our Republic.

Match the sentences.

1.Мен мектепке жеті жасымда бардым.2. Ол қарапайым мектеп болатын.3. Біздің республикамызда тоғыз жылдық білім міндетті түрде беріледі.

Слайд 111. I go to school ___ the age of seven.
a) in

b) at c) after
2. The computer classes are located __ the
second floor.
a) at b) on c) in
3. Every pupil learns one __ foreign language.
a) about b) of c) from
4. History, Maths, Kazakh are called ___ subjects.
a) school b) core c) subject
5. Astana is the capital of _________________
a) Kazakhstan
b) Great Britain
c) Astana


1. I go to school ___ the age of seven.a) in

Слайд 126. Nine years of ____ are compulsary.
a) class

b) form c) classes
7. Our school began on the ___ of September.
a) 1 st b) 1 th c) 1 rd
8. We had four ____ of a year.
a) begins b) holidays c) classes
9. Every lesson lasted ______ minutes.
a) fourty b) fourty four c) fourty five
10. Our school is _________ .
a) large b) larger c) the largest
6. Nine years of ____ are compulsary. a) class

Слайд 13Keys
1. b) at
2. b) on
3. b) of
4. a) school

a) Kazakhstan
6. c) classes
7. a) 1 st
8. b) holidays
9. c) fourty five
10. a) large
Keys1. b) at 2. b) on3. b) of 4. a) school5. a) Kazakhstan6. c) classes7. a) 1

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