Презентация, доклад на тему Тема презентации: Биография Марка Твена

MARK TWAIN is a Great American Writer and HumoristWhat do you know about this famous American writer?

Слайд 1Аленчикова Светлана Андреевна 2012


Аленчикова Светлана Андреевна 2012    MARK TWAIN

Слайд 2MARK TWAIN is a Great American Writer and Humorist
What do you

know about this famous American writer?

MARK TWAIN  is a Great American Writer and HumoristWhat do you know about this famous American

Слайд 10
He is a boy with ideas. He goes to school,

but he hates it. He likes to play. He knows many interesting games. He has many friends. His best friends are Huck and Joe. He has no mother and father but he has got an aunt. He likes fishing, playing games, Becky and sugar. He doesn’t like school. What is his name?
He is a boy with ideas. He goes to school, but he hates it. He likes

Слайд 11She is neither very small nor very tall. Her hair is

grey. She wears a dark dress. She takes care about her house and her family. Her hobby is cooking. She doesn’t go to school. I think she loves Tom very much and Tom loves her. What is her name?
She is neither very small nor very tall. Her hair is grey. She wears a dark dress.

Слайд 12 She has got a father and a mother. She lives in

a big house. She goes to school every day. She can read and write. She is little. She is a beautiful girl. Who is she?
She has got a father and a mother. She lives in a big house. She goes to

Слайд 13 Famous Twain’s Quotes
On advice to kids.
1. Always obey your parents when

they are present.
2. Always respect your superiors if you have any.
On being good.

1. Honor is a harder master than law.
2. Do you duty today and respect tomorrow.
On Books.
1. If books are not good company, where will I find it?
2. Books are the liberated spirits of men.
On Truth.

1. When in doubt, tell the truth.
2. If you tell truth you don’t have to remember anything.

Do you agree with the statements? Why? Why not?

Famous Twain’s Quotes  On advice to kids.1.	Always obey your parents when they are present.2.	Always respect

Слайд 14Enjoy MARK TWAIN’s humor
Mark Twain once said: "When I was a

boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years."

ignorant невежественный
to have somebody around быть с кем-то рядом около
can stand выносить, выдерживать

Enjoy MARK TWAIN’s humorMark Twain once said:

Mark Twain was asked one day

if he could remember the first money he earned.
"Yes," he said, "it was at school. All the boys who went to school in those days hadn't any more respect for the desks, than they had for the teachers. There was a rule in our school that any boy who made marks on his desk, either with a pencil or a knife, would be whipped publicly before the whole school, or pay a fine of five dollars." ' One day I had to tell my father that I had broken the rule and had to pay a fine, or take a public whipping; and he said: "'Sam, it would be too bad to have the name of Clemens disgraced before the whole school, so I'll pay the fine. But I don't want you to be unpunished, so come up-stairs-."'"I went upstairs with father and decided, as I'd been punished once, and got used to it, I wouldn't mind taking another whipping at school. So I did, and I kept the 5 dollars. That was the first money I ever earned."
to be whipped быть высеченным, битым
to pay a fine платить штраф
to break the rule нарушить правило

THE FIRST MONEY MARK TWAIN EARNED Mark Twain was asked one day if he could remember the

Слайд 16A visitor to Mark Twain's home commented upon the abundance of

books, and the rather limited accommodations for them. "Yes," agreed Mark, a bit wistfully, "yes, but it's difficult to get friends to loan you shelves."

abundance изобилие
limited ограниченный, недостаточный
accommodation помещение, удобство
wistfully задумчиво
Loan заимствовать.

A visitor to Mark Twain's home commented upon the abundance of books, and the rather limited accommodations

Слайд 17Mark Twain was guest of honour at an opera box-party given

by a prominent member of New-York society. The hostess had been particularly talkative all during the performance to Mark Twain's increasing irritation. "Oh, my dear Mr. Clemens, I do want you to be with us next Friday evening. I'm certain you will like it—the opera will be Tosca." "Charmed, I'm sure," replied Clemens. "I've never heard you in that."

Prominent выдающийся, известный
society. зд. высшее общество
particularly talkative особенно разговорчивый
to increase возрастать, увеличиваться
irritation раздражение

Mark Twain was guest of honour at an opera box-party given by a prominent member of New-York

Слайд 18In the course of one of his lecture trips Mark Twain

arrived at a small town. Before dinner he went to a barber shop to be shaved.
"You are a stranger?" asked the barber.
"Yes," Mark Twain replied.
“ You chose a good time to come," the barber continued. "Mark Twain is going to read a lecture tonight. You'll go, I suppose?"
"Oh, I guess so."
"Have you bought your ticket?"
"Not yet."
"But everything is sold out. You'll have to stand."
"How very annoying!" Mark Twain said with a sigh. "I never was lucky, I always have to stand when that fellow lectures."
a trip поездка
a stranger чужой, незнакомый, иностранец
I'm a stranger here я нездешний
you chose a good time вы выбрали хорошее время

In the course of one of his lecture trips Mark Twain arrived at a small town. Before

Слайд 19A friend once wrote Mark Twain a letter stating that he

was in very bad health, and concluding: "Is there anything worse than having toothache and earache at the same time?"
The humorist wrote back: "Yes, rheumatism and Saint Vitus's dance."

to state заявлять, утверждать, сообщать
to conclude заключать, делать вывод
to write back ответить на письмо
One is not safe even in bed, for as Mark Twain inquired: "Do not more people die there than anywhere else?"

to be safe быть в безопасности, невредимым
to inquire спрашивать, вопрошать

A friend once wrote Mark Twain a letter stating that he was in very bad health, and

Слайд 20Mark Twain once said, "Speaking of fresh eggs, I am reminded

of the town of Squash. In my early lecturing days I went to Squash to lecture in Temperance Hall, arriving in the afternoon. The town seemed very poorly billed. I thought I'd find out if the people knew anything at all about what was in store for them. So I turned in at the general store.
"Good afternoon, friend," I said to the general storekeeper. "Any entertainment here to-night to help a stranger while away his evening?"
The storekeeper, who was sorting mackerel, straightened up, wiped his briny hands on his apron, and said: "I expect there's going to be a lecture. I have been selling eggs all day."

speaking говоря о, если речь зашла о
to bill объявлять в афишах
to be in store (for) быть в запасе
in days в дни, во времена
in my early lecturing days когда я только начинал читать
while away скоротать время

Mark Twain once said,

Слайд 21Mark Twain and a friend of his once went abroad on

the same ship. When the ship was a few days out they were both invited to a dinner, and when speechmaking time came, Mark Twain had the first chance. He spoke twenty minutes and made a great hit. Then it was his friend's turn.
"Mr. Toastmaster and Ladies and Gentlemen," said he as he rose. "Before this dinner Mark Twain and myself made an agreement to trade speeches. He has just delivered my speech, and I thank you for the pleasant manner in which you received it. I regret to say that I have lost the notes of his speech and cannot remember anything he was to say." Then he sat down, and there was much laughter.

speechmaking time время произнесения речей
to make a hit произвести сенсацию, иметь большой
to deliver a speech произнести речь

Mark Twain and a friend of his once went abroad on the same ship. When the ship

Слайд 22When Mark Twain went to borrow a book from a neighbour's

library the owner said he would be happy to accommodate him again, but he had adopted a rule that any volume taken from his library must be used on the premises. The next week the neighbour dropped over for the loan of Mark's lawn mower. "Take it and welcome!" chirruped Mark, "only under a recently adopted policy it is not to be used away from my own lawn!"

to borrow брать взаймы, занимать
to accommodate снабдить
to adopt a rule взять за правило
premises дом с пристройками и участком
a loan заем
lawn mower газонокосилка
chirruped прощебетал

When Mark Twain went to borrow a book from a neighbour's library the owner said he would

Слайд 23When Mark Twain edited a newspaper in Missouri, one of his

subscribers wrote him that he' had found a spider in his paper and wished to know whether it meant good luck or bad.
Twain replied: "Finding a spider in your paper is neither good luck nor bad. The spider was merely looking over our paper to see which merchant was not advertising, so that he could go to that store, spin his web across the door and lead a life of undisturbed peace afterward!"

Subscriber подписчик
good luck везение, счастье, удача
it means good luck это к добру (это означает удачу)
undisturbed peace ничем не нарушаемый мир (покой)

When Mark Twain edited a newspaper in Missouri, one of his subscribers wrote him that he' had

Слайд 24Mark Twain was visiting his friend and the host led the

humorist into his library.
"There," he said as he pointed to a bust of white marble, "what do you think of that?" It was a bust of a young woman, coiling her hair—a graceful example of Italian sculpture. Mark Twain looked at it for a moment—then said: "It isn't true to life: she ought to have her mouth full of hairpins."

to coil свертывать кольцом
to be true to life быть реалистичным, правдоподобным

Mark Twain was visiting his friend and the host led the humorist into his library.

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