Презентация, доклад на тему Teenagers’ Relationship with Their Parents.

Conflicts with Parents During the teen years children often try to gain independence from their parents. They may push limits, break rules and overstep boundaries. Teenagers want to decide on their own what music to

Слайд 1Teenagers’ Relationship with Their Parents.
Problems and Solutions.

Authors: Dasha Lainshchek,
Lera Bobkova,

Eldar Makaev
Form 9«A»,

Supervisor: Irina Karelina,
the English teacher.

Москва 2015 г.
Teenagers’ Relationship with Their Parents.Problems and Solutions.Authors: Dasha Lainshchek, Lera Bobkova, Eldar Makaev  Form 9«A», Supervisor:

Слайд 2Conflicts with Parents
During the teen years children often try to

gain independence from their parents. They may push limits, break rules and overstep boundaries. Teenagers want to decide on their own what music to listen, what clothes to wear, who to make friends with etc.
Conflicts with Parents  During the teen years children often try to gain independence from their parents.

Слайд 3Sometimes their choice doesn’t satisfy their parents’ expectations. There are many

different sources of conflict between teenagers and their parents such as dishonesty, smoking, messy room, grades.
Sometimes their choice doesn’t satisfy their parents’ expectations. There are many different sources of conflict between teenagers

Слайд 4The urgency of the project:


don't talk to their children or share their own points of views with the children.

Never has a generation gap been as wide as it is today, with parents having very little understanding of the opportunities and the risks involved with the digital environments where their children are growing up in.

The urgency of the project:     They don't talk to their children or share

Слайд 5The aims of the Project:
• To fish out some problems which teenagers

and their parents face nowadays.
• To analyze the causes of the main problems.
• To work out possible solutions to the problems.
The aims of the Project:•	To fish out some problems which teenagers and their parents face nowadays.•	To analyze

Слайд 6The list of problems that teenagers may have with their parents:

1.make their children do chores 2.nag their children about their friends 3.don't give their children any pocket money 4.control and lecture their children 5.don't understand their children 6.don't respect their children 7.don't trust their children 8.check that their children have done their homework 9.don't let them decide who they should be 10.hate their girlfriends and boyfriends 11.don't like their children's friends 12. don't like their children's music 13.don't pay attention to their children 14.punish their children for everything 15.are angry with their children for their behavior 16.treat their teenager like a child
The list of problems that teenagers may have with their parents:

Слайд 9Media and Technology.
The biggest problems are media

and technology. Never before in the history we have been faced with a situation where each living generation is focused around a different technology platform.

The internet becomes their new father and guide so that many teenagers are not close to their family and remember them only at the time of needing money.

Media and Technology.   The biggest problems are media and technology. Never before in the history

Слайд 10Alcoholism and Drug
Teenagers’ problems with alcohol and other

drugs are occurring at 12 years of age, in contrast to 13 to 14 years of age in previous generations. Recent research has shown that beer is now the drink of choice for many teenagers. A person who begins to use alcohol or other drugs at an early age is very likely to become seriously dependent on them.

Teens have such problems as poor school performance, trouble with their parents, or criminal behavior.

Alcoholism and Drug   Teenagers’ problems with alcohol and other drugs are occurring at 12 years

Слайд 11 Insomnia
What causes insomnia in teenagers?
There's the

lifestyle that teenagers lead. They stay up late at night, especially on the weekend, and then are unable to get up early during the week. They also end up sleeping most of the weekend to try and make up for all the sleep they lost during the week.

It's not uncommon for them to sleep at lunchtime or immediately after school, which makes the problem of not being able to sleep at night worse.

InsomniaWhat causes insomnia in teenagers?   There's the lifestyle that teenagers lead. They stay up

Слайд 12Parents’ Behavior
A lack of understanding often results in two extremes

in response from parents

Parents might bury their heads in the sand because of the apparent technical complexity and leave their children to face some very real dangers.

A parent might over react because they don’t understand the dangers involved and simply ban all things digital. Which not only leads to unnecessary conflict with the child and cuts them off from their social circle.

Parents’ BehaviorA lack of understanding  often results in two extremes in response from parentsParents might bury

Слайд 13The Research
To help with this research, we surveyed 20

teens from our school and asked them 10 questions:

Have you got a computer connected to the Internet?
Do your parents let you surf the Internet?
How often do you use the Internet?
What do you usually do on the Net?
Do your parents control your time on the computer?
Do they approve your surfing the net?
Do you have any arguments about the computer with your parents?
Do you feel tired after the work on the computer?
Have you ever had sleep problems?
How often do you go to bed after 11 o’clock?

The Research  To help with this research, we surveyed 20 teens from our school and asked

Слайд 14 Surprisingly, that 31% of parents don’t control their children

and 35% do it from time to time.

Most parents let teenagers surf the Net.

Almost a half of the students (45%) have had sleep problems.

Surprisingly, that 31% of parents don’t control their children and 35% do it from time

Слайд 15Suggestions
We’d like to suggest some solutions to improve

relationship between teenagers and their parents:
1. Teenagers should try to do what their parents tell them and not do what their parents dislike. 2. On the other hand, parents should also know how to react with their children in the best way. 3. In case of insomnia in teenagers, it is important for them to get into a regular routine with their sleep. If they can establish a habit, most of the sleep problems will disappear. 4. Parents should not ignore experimentation with alcohol and drugs in the hope that their teenage son or daughter will somehow learn about the risks involved or outgrow his or her drug-related behavior. Parents should talk to their children about the risks and dangers.
5. Both have to try to reduce the animosity between them and start a relationship of love and respect, which I hope every teenager and parent can find.

Suggestions   We’d like to suggest some solutions to improve relationship between teenagers and their parents:

Слайд 16Conclusion
It's not easy for a teenager to solve his

problems and , for every problem, the same solution is not possible. It's very important for parents to know the right way in which their teenaged children should be treated. Being a teenager is not something bad because it is, in my opinion, the best period of one’s life and all our good times are spent in this period.
Conclusion  It's not easy for a teenager to solve his problems and , for every problem,

Слайд 17 Thank You for Your Attention!

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