1 абзац
Работа с текстом - стимулом
Довод 1-3
Довод 2-1
Исходный тезис
Довод 3-1
Довод 3-3
Микровывод 1
Микровывод 2
Микровывод 3
Общий вывод
Довод 3-2
Тезис оппонента
Отрицание довода 3-1
Отрицание довода 3-2
Микровывод 3
Микровывод 4
Аргумент оппонента
To become an interpreter, you need a lot of knowledge and many language skills.
Частичное согласие с аргументом оппонента
There is no doubt that being a good interpreter requires a lot of professional qualities.
Довод 3-1
If you speak fluently but without accuracy, nobody will understand you.
Довод 3-2
If you do not understand the culture of the people who you translate for, you will never become a good interpreter.
Отрицание довода 3-1
Yet, you cannot speak fluently without accuracy because fluency and accuracy are two sides of the same coin.
Отрицание довода 3-2
Moreover, language is indeed the verbal expression of culture, so in order to know a language well fluent speakers have to know the culture.
Аргумент оппонента
Extreme sports are very dangerous.
Частичное согласие с аргументом оппонента
I strongly disagree with them.
Довод 3-1
Firstly, if you take part in extreme sport competitions like base jumping, water skiing, in-line skating you can hurt yourself or even get a serious injury.
Довод 3-2
Secondly, extreme sports nowadays cost a lot of money and take a lot of time.
Отрицание довода 3-1
I think that extreme sports are good for your health and mind.
Отрицание довода 3-2
It also helps to meet new interesting people. It makes life more interesting.
Это сайт презентаций, где можно хранить и обмениваться своими презентациями, докладами, проектами, шаблонами в формате PowerPoint с другими пользователями. Мы помогаем школьникам, студентам, учителям, преподавателям хранить и обмениваться учебными материалами.
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