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1595 “Richard II” ; “A Midsummer Night`s Dream”
1596 “King John” ; “The Merchant of Venice”
1597 “Henry IV” (part 1,2)
1598 “Much Ado About Nothing”; “Henry V”
1599 “Julius Caesar”; “Ass You Like It ”
1600 “12th Night ”
1601 “Hamlet”
1602 “Troilus and Cressida”
“All` s well that ends well”
1604 “Measure for measure”
1605 “King lear”
“Macbeth ”
1606 “Antony and cleopatra”
1607 “Coriolanus”
“ Timon of Athens”
1608 “Pericles”
1609 “Cymbeline”
1610 “The winter` s tale”
1612 “The Tempest”
“Henry VIII”
All` s well that ends well.
All` s that glistens is not gold.
A sea of troubles.
Delays have dangerous ends.
There is no darkness but ignorance.
To be , or not to be, that is the questions.
Much ado about nothing.
Love` s labour` s lost.
Brevity is the soul of wit.
He jests at scars , that never felt a wound.
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