Цель – выявить, проанализировать и сравнить способы семантических изменений глаголов в двух вариантах сленга современного английского языка.
1.Выявить и проанализировать семантические изменения американского сленга.
2. Выявить, проанализировать семантические изменения британского сленга и сравнить полученные результаты с американским сленгом.
to lose control of yourself under the influence of drugs: “If you think I'm going to try dope, may, you're trippin”(1960).
going crazy: “I'm just straight up trippin'!” (1998) (OSD);
getting mad over nothing: “Man she's tripping” (1998) OSD;
to act strange or foolish: “My mom won't let me go out tonight, she is trippin'” (2002) (OSD). (ЛСГ физического проявления эмоций и состояний )
to hit with a thrown object: “I saw you peg him right on the head with that ball”(1940)
to have intercourse: “Man, I pegged her all night long” (1940);
to figure out, come to understand: “I've got Randolph pegged: he's a dirty, rotten rat!”
to throw (a ball): “Snidley was pegged out sliding into second base” (2001) (ODAS);
to identify as: “I pegged him as a thief” (2009) (ODAS). (ЛСГ умственной деят-сти)
Ухудшение лексического значения:
to flirt: “Damn girl! Stop scamming' with all the guys!” (1965) (ODAS).
to make out with, or have sexual relations with someone you are not in a relationship with»: “Me and that really hot chick from the bar scammed last night..it was pretty great”(Urban Dictionary).
(ЛСГ коммуникации)
to steal, to shoplift: “I booted it last night” (2003) (DCS) (ЛСГ действия)
“bee” :
to beg (1950) (далее ODMS);
to quash, put an end to (1955) (ODMS);
to ask for a loan from (2005);
to beat (2006) (ЛСГ коммуникации)
Улучшение лексического значения:
to flirt with, try to seduce: “That guy was macking her, but she wasn't interested” (1960) (DCS);
to take advantage of: “Yo. free pizza? I'm going to mack some of that!” (1968) (DCS);
to successfully complete: “I’ll be staying up late tonight. I have to mack my history paper”
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